08.09.2018 Feature Article

Why Michelle Obama Never Talked About Aids?

Why Michelle Obama Never Talked About Aids?
08.09.2018 LISTEN

Michelle Obama has hosted many programs and covered many issues affecting humanity but she hardly speaks about Aids killing thousands each day.

For in the days of Noah before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark. The same way people who don't care about Aids bio-weapon because it's killing black people more than any people on earth today, will be wailing, weeping, mourning and gnashing of teeth globally within the next ten years because Aids is rapidly spreading like a bushfire.

As a first lady, Michelle Obama has no time to lose on any issue. She gives speeches and participates in numerous conferences and forums, yet she hardly addresses issues on Aids, the disease which has killed thousands of people and still killing without ceasing. Concerned citizens want to know the reason she spends very little time on Aids issues.

"From virus-carrying mosquitoes to government biological warfare, the community is clamoring with theories about why blacks are hit harder by AIDS-and what to do about it.

On December 19, 1998, a month after President Clinton declared AIDS a crisis in black America — a hard-won concession by the Congressional Black Caucus and a handful of determined African-American advocates — Reverend Al Sharpton and a dirty dozen of community activists assembled for an AIDS assault of a different kind in Harlem," writes LeRoy Whitfield.

Leroy Whitfield was a writer who focused on the battle against AIDS among African-Americans. He died after living 15 years with the disease himself—while refusing to take medication for it. He was 36.

Is it really hard to believe that the US government used tax payer’s dollars to secretly develop HIV in a lab and then deploy it as a biological weapon to kill blacks in America when at the same time thousands of Africans are also dying from the same disease? It’s ethnic cleansing. The reason everyone should now know by now Aids is a bio-weapon.

Aids, Ebola, Lassa fever, Zika are all bio-weapons engineered from the US laboratory to cause panic and destroy humanity because the eugenic elites are concerned about over-population. They believe particular people deserve not to live and the blow that descended to fulfill their aims and objectives fell on a particular race, Africans and African-Americans.

While the world remains silent, uncared because the diseases are killing black people, those in Latin-America or Third World Countries, they mustn’t forget that no matter how America health officials fight to protect Americans, people can still get infected through the air because diseases generate a lot of profit for the corrupt pharmaceutical companies in America.

When Aids hit hard Africans and African-Americans the same way they tried to avoid the spread of the disease but today, those who gambled with the disease have lived to see their failure. Like a bushfire in the dry season, Aids has engulfed the whole world.

Africans are dying in large numbers every day because of lack of financial support, while in America over 1 million Americans live with HIV. According to CDC report, exorbitant lifetime cost for treating HIV is $379,000 (in 2010 dollars) and that nearly 30% of those living with the virus are uninsured.

What America and other countries affected by HIV/AIDS should know is the current global impact of the diseases is just the tip of the iceberg. Within the next ten years, Europe, America, Latin-America, Middle-East, Russia etc, would be heavily dented by the fury of Aids like how the fury flood took away people in the days of Noah.

This is what Michelle Obama and the American government fear to speak about because of the government regrets over the creation of the bio-weapon which was meant to depopulate a particular race, unfortunately, has become a global issue.
