
Techiman Queenmothers Schooled On COVID-19 Prevention

By Abdul Aziz Abubakar || ISD
Health Techiman Queenmothers Schooled On COVID-19 Prevention

The outbreak of the deadly coronavirus since last year 2019 is causing unprecedented disruptions worldwide, the most sophisticated nations with the best-funded healthcare systems are not speared in this outbreak.

In Ghana, the president of the republic Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo has announced many interventions in his address to the Nation to help curb the spread of the disease in the country.

In support of this directives that a Non-governmental organization (NGO) that has been working with the Traditional Authorities especially the queen mothers in the Bono –East Region “Center for Indigenous knowledge and organizational development (CIKOD) in collaboration with Konrad –Adenuaer-Stiftung”.

Organized a one day training workshop to strengthen the capacity of queen mothers in the Techiman traditional Area to provide effective leadership and guidance for addressing the pandemic in their respective communities.

Madam, Peprabea Angela Abigail, the health promotion officer at the Techiman Municipal health Directorate and Mr. Abu Ibrahim the Mental Health officer took participants through thorough training on how to observe personal hygiene, proper ways of wearing face mask, washing of hands, importance of observing social distancing, consequences of self-medication, the need for regular medical check-up and the save way to handle and dispose used face mask among others.

The Deputy Executive Director of (CIKOD) Mr. Wilberforce Laate in his speech, stated that traditional Authorities have been part of the governance system in the Ghanaian society since time immemorial and have manifested in various forms such as Chiefs, queens, youth leaders, and leaders of various age groups.

He added that over the years, they have performed various roles that ensured law and order in their communities that have contributed immensely to the development of this country he urged them to continue in their good work.

At the close of the workshop each participant received one veronica backed, backed stand, washing bowl, and liquid soap, in all fifty Queen mothers across the municipality participated at the training, but the NGO Donated eighty veronica backers, three boxes of liquid soap, eighty backers’ stands, eighty washing bowls and tissue papers.

Nana yeboah Asuama (Adontenhemaa) of the Techiman traditional Area and also the acting president of the Techiman queen Mothers association, on behalf of her colleagues express her profound gratitude to the organizers of the program and assured them of putting the items received today in to good use for the betterment of the larger society.

She again assured the organizers that, they will do their best as Queen mothers to educate their community members when they get back to their respective communities.

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