14.12.2017 Feature Article

Target Target Target

Target Target Target
14.12.2017 LISTEN

Give a man a bow and arrow and tell him to, “SHOOT!” and his first response would be, “At what?” When there is no target there is no purpose for shooting. He could shoot the arrow anywhere and wherever the arrow will end up would be where the arrow ended up. Not much to it.

On the other hand, if you give the archer a target and challenge him to hit the bullseye – everything changes. You now give him something to aim at, something to challenge his skills against, something to measure his progress with, and something that gives all of his effort –purpose. All by adding in a simple target.

That’s what a goal does to a person’s life – It changes everything. You were given a life and you’ve been told ever since to, “live it.‘ Well, in order to answer that question your first thought should be, “By doing what?” And that is the key focusing question that sets the basis for this life!

Everybody in this world has a different set of circumstances, different set of skills, and a different set of opportunities through which they can interact with the world and find their unique sense of fulfillment. Your mission in life should be to figure out what your unique, “sets” are and how you can take action to best capitalize on them that gives all of your effort purpose and meaning. Goals are the guiding light that get you there.

Many at times people set targets base on competition , I have no credibility to cause any altercation but I think its all about conscious effort.

Let me borrow this from Zig Ziglar "I don’t care how much power, brilliance or energy you have, if you don’t harness it and focus it on a specific target, and hold it there you’re never going to accomplish as much as your ability warrants."

Remember you can't change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails to always reach your destination.

Thanks for reading
##Columnist of blatant truth
