26.07.2017 Feature Article

The Stone Wall: Can Africa Rise Like Ducklings?

The Stone Wall: Can Africa Rise Like Ducklings?
26.07.2017 LISTEN

Yesterday was great everything went well. Nothing hindered our progress. We probably were able to meet all our targets and satisfy all our heart desires. Some of us probably hit the jackpot, some won multiple awards for outstanding performance in our respective careers, and some bought themselves the latest automobiles, jets and yachts, while others moved into their new homes and new offices. And there were some that gained admission into Ivy schools and colleges and many more.

Sounds uplifting right? Think about those who got everything wrong. Nothing worked in their favour. In fact they messed up from the get go and felt tossed out even before the race was declared over. Tried as they did, nothing seemed workable. They’d found the course impenetrable and felt disoriented.

How about those who couldn’t travel beyond yesterday to welcome today?

Also consider those who stumbled and fell in every step on their way. Those who never gave up when it appeared they’d reached the dead end of the road?? Yes, consider those little ducklings that never gave up the battle. They were resolute, they showed resilience in their fight and they believed in themselves despite the enormity of the challenges they faced. They never gave up until the mission was accomplished.

They were 12. They were young possibly a few weeks old. But they weren’t alone treading the unknown. Their mother duck stood by like a good Shepherd. She looked emotionally stricken. Her babies were stuck at the bottom of a three-tier stairs. I could see each one of them trying to reach the top. The exercise seemed intense and the participants looked determined. It looked like a drama scene and the actors were all for it. They’d created an enthralling a scene something for the eyes to behold and the minds to digest. Certainly the audience who happened to be around couldn’t hide their emotions as the ducklings fell over and over again in their attempts to climb. It was like a melee.

Were they sable to scale over what appeared improbable?

The look on their mother’s face suggested time was running out and perhaps night was drawing nigh. They probably were out there looking for bread and butter but the enemy could also stray on their pathway. Maybe they were going to meet another family somewhere in the neighbourhood. So, of course time was of the essence.

Mother duck seemed distraught but she never took her eyes of her ducklings. From the top she watched the young ones. All 12 had found themselves at the foreground of the stairs. They jockeyed from one side to another gauging which side they could better leapfrog. After a long struggle one of them managed to find herself on step two. And the struggle continued. That move however, would motivate the rest of her siblings to give of their best

Following that success, it didn’t matter anymore as to how many times one fell or stumbled. They knew it was doable. Yes they can, if their sister had done it. And the majority kept tumbling down the duckling on the second had made it to the top. Her Mom’s face lit with indescribable joy.

‘Great good girl, you’ve made it congratulations’.

And the minutes ticked. Mother duck cooed and cooed as the young hurdled the stair one by one till there was none left below. The calls were distressing. It showed a loving mom wandering around amid expectation that that her babies could pass the test and they did through perseverance and die-hard mentality.

If you sever aw that video of the ducklings and their mom which was posted on the social media, sometime last week, I can guarantee you’d never give up on your dream (s) regardless. The Bible says a nation without vision will perish. And it’s applicable to us as individuals.

Mother ducks are very caring and protective of their young but may sometime abandon some of their ducklings if they’re physically stuck in an area they cannot get out. Well this one didn’t neglect her off springs. She’d faith in her babies and stood by them till the end of their struggle.

And until ducks are fully feathered around 7-9 weeks old they have trouble regulating their body temperature and more so overcoming such challenges some of us saw in that short video.

I may be branded as being nationalistic or being ambitious as Lucifer. But is it a crime to say African rise? Yes she can. Africa’s destiny rest in her own hands and if she believes in herself and put her mind and heart to it she can make it to the moon and even beyond. Indeed she can rise like her siblings ---Antarctica, Europe, Asia, Australia/Oceania North America and South America.

To quote Dr. Arikana Chihombori Quao Ambassador of the Africa Union to the United States: “Africa must as possible speak with one voice not as fragmented individual states, when we continue to negotiate not only with the United States but also other trade partners.”

African leaders must learn to relinquish power and avoid perpetuating themselves on the political thrones. Africa can rise if its leaders will stop looting, stop bribing and taking bribes, stop pilfering and smuggling state properties, stop siphoning state funds and create job opportunities. The leadership must give its peoples the opportunities like good education, good health facilities, good roads and other social amenities.

Be reminded, Africa made it there before but time and bad conditions, they say don not favour beauty. She was once at the top. Once she saw the heavens and kissed her. Once she’d her siblings served her as she’s doing it today for them. What went wrong is history and history is his own judge and not me.

Africa will get there, African can get there and Africa will rise. The road isn’t smooth. And the impediments are numerous. However, we can get there if we put our act together. And let’s remind ourselves that there will be no room for whiners, there will be no room for e weasels and there will be no room for traitors and detractors. Also the puppets and the poodles have no place here. Indeed Africa can regain her lost glory.
