I am worried about millions of Americans who have compromised medical health conditions such as asthma, diabetes and high blood pressure, and may lose their Medicare if the Affordable healthcare insurance otherwise known as Obamacare is abolished should President Trump is re-elected.
They'll be like a million sheep wandering in the wilderness without a shepherd. The farmer in Kansas who has cancer will have no hope of survival.
I'm indeed worried about anyone who says he doesn't believe scientists in the midst of a deadly pandemic-- which is killing Americans by the day. And I'm worried about anyone who doesn't believe his own Intelligence agencies and thinks that climate change is a leftist idea.
Problem is, if we didn't know it then how about now?
We've heard it all --- the hopes, the anxieties, the scare-mongering and the pandering as the 2020 presidential campaign winds down either today or Tuesday.
We've heard that the stocks will plummet and the economy will crumble if Joe Biden wins the election.
That America will have no peace and she won't be the same if the 'Saints' are denied the second term in the White House. That United States will become a Socialist state and the Socialists will wag their long tails like a smiling bulldog.
How about vote suppression?
How about activities of Antifa-- allegedly being sponsored and orchestrated by the leftists?
And oh, Biden will increase your taxes and shut down oil companies across America!
Don't forget his opponent, has labelled him as NAFTA Apostle.
Early Voting
I voted on Monday 26, October, eight (8) days before Election Day. I couldn't wait... Washington state and most states across America allow early voting by mail. In Washington State, this special election avenue was made possible in 1983. And the numbers so far have been overwhelmingly staggering. As of Saturday, more than 91 million people had already cast their ballots, representing 65 per cent, according to election officials, the early vote has exceeded half of the number of votes that were counted during the entire 2016 presidential election.
And which candidate do I think will win?
History reminds me that, it was tough for Taft. Howard William Taft the 27th American President was denied the second term in 1913. I'm unsure though if Trump would suffer same fate.. I got it wrong in the 2016 election. Many pollsters and pundits got it wrong too. So that remains to be seen. However, if you ask the Dems they'd say Trump's days are numbered and they cannot wait to see him pack baggage & luggage and leave the Oval office.
Joe Biden Democratic presidential candidate amplified that while campaigning over the weekend in Detroit. Michigan.
"It's as severe as an indictment of a president's record as one can possibly imagine and it is utterly disqualifying," Biden said.
He added: " Anyone who is responsible for plunging and ensnaring America in this-- anyone who could do so without an ounce of shame or a shred of empathy-- should not be president."
But their arch political rivals---the Grand Old Party (Republicans) supporters would describe the idea as wishful thinking-- because to them, the President isn't going anywhere. He'll have four more to do more.
Remember this? "I'm the only one who can fix it."
So would voters denyTrump a second--term?
If Trump loses the election he will go down in history as the fourth one-term president since World War II. And he'd be the third Republican to be denied the second term since his predecessors-- Gerald Ford and George H W Bush. Both presidents lost to Democratic candidates Jimmy Carter in 1977 campaign for re-election and Bill Clinton in 1992 respectively.
Note, there are nearly a dozen one-term presidents who ran for second terms but lost. And it dates back in 1797-1801 in the days of John Adams--- a Federalist at the time.
What did you know about Trump then & now?
Like me, most Americans are much concerned about what they hear and what they see. The majority of us really don't know our President. After all, I would have had some doubts about the following if a Democrat had uttered these damning utterances.
Republicans who knew Donald Trump more than me and more than any Democrat said this about Mr Trump. They knew him as a businessman, a celebrity and they knew him as a candidate.
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (a physician) who knew Mr Trump then and knows him now said this about him:.."My concern is that he will grab up that power and really treat the country as sort of his little fiefdom." Did he get it wrong?
"Donald Trump is a delusional narcissist and an orange faced-windbag," Mr Rand said.
If that doesn't speak volumes what else does?
But wait till you hear from this stalwart Republican leader too.
" I want to talk to the Trump supporters for a minute.
I don't know who you are, and I don't know why you this guy," Lindsey Graham. Senator for South Carolina.
Mr Graham who's currently the Chairman of the Senate Committee was talking to a voter like me.
He was talking to swing voters in the state of Arizona and he was talking to Independent and libertarian voters across the United States. His voice was loud and clear. The Latino voters heard him, the Muslim voters got the message so did the black voters and the middle class.
Again, if that didn't resonate and couldn't persuade some Donald Trump supporters how about this one?
"He's a race-baiting, xenophobic and religious bigot.
I think he's a crook. I think he's crazy. And I think he's unfit for office," Lindsay Graham.
I'm flabbergasted. I really don't know what concoction was given to Mr Graham. But it begs the question and it made my decision much easier.
Next is Former Texas Governor Rick Perry who once served as energy secretary under the Trump administration. His description of Mr Trump is another blockbuster. He curated it all in a single statement.
According to him, Mr Trump is: "A toxic of demagoguery and mean-spirited nonsense."
Another Republican and Senator for Texas, Ted Cruz, also had this to say about Mr Trump.
"Whatever he does he accuses everyone else of doing. The man cannot tell the truth but he combines it with being a narcissist. A narcissist at a level I don't think this country has ever seen," said Cruz.
"He doesn't know the difference between truth and lies. He lies.. practically every word that comes out of his mouth."
So, if you're still undecided and still struggling as to who to cast your ballot for Here is the gospel according to Susan Margaret Collins a Republican Senator for Maine.
"I cannot support Donald Trump. "
By Gordon Offin-Amaniampong