25.03.2024 Feature Article

I am not guilty! Are you?

I am not guilty! Are you?
25.03.2024 LISTEN

The ancient Egyptians took Jews as slaves. Ancient Romans colonized Europe and countries around the Mediterranean Sea. Osmans ruled with an iron fist over their foreign territories. Russia under UdSSR rulership suppressed the countries around. Besides lost blood aggressors caused financial harm to foreign territories.

Russia will have to answer the question in case they lose against Ukraine how to pay compensation. For the first time in modern-day history World War I started to open up the road to discussing and settling the issue of preparations; leading to World War II subsequently.

African countries demand today to be compensated financially, besides the return of artifacts of great cultural importance and bringing final closure to the dark days of African and European relations. The opposition in Russia like many ordinary Russians is not responsible for the decision Vladimir Putin took nor are people of my generation for the atrocities Germans committed during World War I and the Third Reich or colonial times.

When I or my generation which I could possibly influence to do the right things and avoid the wrong things I could potentially morally be held responsible for the harm caused. But for our parent's generation or grandparents' generation, it raises the question of why should I be responsible for something I am personally or my generation is not responsible for? Do I have to pay a price for someone having done something wrong and do my descendants have to do the same to stand in for me? Is this fair or logical? Where do we draw the line and how far to go back in history?

The issue is complex with many facets but needs to be addressed on the international stage once and for all.
