
I Have Never Stolen Ghana’s Money, I Lived In Nigeria, Gambia, Ivory Coast, Guinea, And Sierra Leone, Before Making It To Europe

Feature Article I Have Never Stolen Ghanas Money, I Lived In Nigeria, Gambia, Ivory Coast, Guinea, And Sierra Leone, Before Making It To Europe

When someone understand what hardship is like, they think of the welfare of others. That compassion doesn’t exist with politicians and those who have the means to embezzle money from the government’s coffers. I have never stolen money from Ghana, I worked very hard all my life in Ghana as a commercial driver, driving both Taxi and Tro-tro and before traveling to Europe, I lived in Nigeria, the Gambia, the Ivory Coast, Guinea, and Sierra Leone, that’s what has made my life the better person I want to be.

I worked very hard for my living and I strongly believe that if I had become a politician, I will be too scared to steal $1 million and keep it in my home like Cecilia Dapaah. I was just 19, when my father, a journalist at the Broadcasting House, passed away. I wouldn’t like to use that as a blame to define my failure in life; instead, I accepted the challenge as the eldest son and took care of my mother and the rest of my siblings. It was at that point that I began driving a taxi while attending Accra High School.

Wearing the finest dress or the nicest shirt and trousers, does not make one a lady or a gentleman. It takes intellect and insight to alter a nation; when such understanding is lacking, the Bible even affirms that "People perish for the lack of knowledge." When I enrolled at the Ghana Institute of Journalism to take various classes, including "writing skills," under the instruction of Mr. David Newton, I was still in the commercial transportation industry as the only source of income.

Education is the greatest key that opens doors, but those who are unable to attend a university or other prestigious institutions, shouldn't be disheartened because they can still use the little education they had to build mountains and accomplish amazing things that will change the narrative of poverty to wealth and an unhealthy community to one of health. Therefore; I thank Mr. David Newton and my father for their respective journalistic experiences, which have enabled people to acknowledge my writing.

In the early 1990s, while my sleeping place was the Central Train Station in Rome, Italy, I take my shower at ‘Caritas,’ meaning Charity. I also enrolled in free language classes to learn the language, and after six weeks, I could speak and write Italian. This made it easier for me to find a job there and, more importantly, it helped me understand politics for the welfare of the populace and the efforts made by the government for its citizens. I have now lived in Belgium for twenty-three years.

Writing against Akufo Addo's regime does not imply that I hate him; rather, it indicates that something is amiss and that I feel compelled to correct him based on my limited knowledge of European politics. For example, the vast majority of NPP politicians and supporters are all over Kennedy Agyapong, the quick-temper politician for the New Patriotic Party, accusing him of destroying the party. Nevertheless, the truth is that Akufo Addo is to blame for the party's misfortunes, not Agyapong.

I am not writing for ModernGhana to support a corrupt politician or an incompetent government just because we are from the same tribe. Tribalism has led to weak government, bloodshed, robbery, and corruption, making Ghana a country where an NPP politician can commit crimes with impunity. If the commander of the armed forces, the head of a government agency, the head of the police department, and the captain of the vessel are held accountable for every misfortune, then Akufo Addo is responsible for the collapse of his party, the economy, and the country’s infrastructures.

Before Ghanaians, including the politicians will acknowledge the fact that Akufo Addo is responsible for the tragedy that has befallen Ghana but not Kennedy Agyapong, they must read the article I wrote on October 9, 2023, entitled “Kennedy Agyapong Was Trained By The NPP To Become A Vicious Lion, And Now He Is Devouring Them.” It’s not an exaggeration that Agyapong was specially trained by the NPP to be a violent person to attack their political opponents, and now they are reaping what they sowed in him.

Agyapong's attacks on political opponents were often enjoyed by all NPP officials, including President Akufo Addo. He even defended the president's lavish spending, rampant corruption, and other immoralities. The NPP ignored it because they liked the aggressive stance Agyapong used against their political opponents, however; things are different now. Why are they accusing Agyapong of wrecking the party if he is seeking to become president and wants to overcome his opponents?

As Ghanaians bound by religion, we must identify the causes of the party's demise. Here is my analysis of political issues of how Akufo Addo destroyed not only the NPP party but also the state of Ghana.

Akufo Addo was an unworthy leader because he wanted to become president to give his family the respect they deserved, something he felt they were denied during Nkrumah's political career. He knew full well how effective tribalism is in Ghana; therefore he employed deceit and lying in his use of it during his campaigns. Eventually, Ghanaians believed that his coming will pull off some incredible feats never seen in the country's political history, unfortunately; it has been his biggest failure.

Akufo Addo pleaded with Ghanaians to vote for him because, in contrast to John Mahama, he is corrupt and incompetent. Since every liar is a thief, once he won the public's trust, he started embezzling money from the state’s coffer. He made a lot of promises, like cutting taxes and erecting factories and dams in every village, but instead, did the exact opposite by supporting his family and friends in politics, amid widespread corruption, which eventually, brought about Ghana's downfall.

The biggest mistake made by the NDC MPs was their failure to follow strict procedures to impeach Akufo Addo and remove the corrupt EC boss Jean Mensa from office for persistently disobeying the constitution. She continues to act in ways that are against protocol because she believes that all Ghanaians, including the educated ones, are ignorant. Nevertheless, she will very soon realize that there are ordinary writers who possess greater influence than Ghanaian politicians. I've urged Ghanaians, especially, the NDC, to prevent that woman from escaping the country.

Even though my writing is influenced by my personal experiences and my desire to improve Ghana, many consider me an enemy of the government. They were successful in getting the editor of "Ghanaweb" to cease publishing my articles after I turned down a 100,000 dollar bribe from an NPP politician. I said I wasn’t interested. I will never sell my soul for money or vanity materials.
