
‘love Sick’-take All Of Me Now…

Enjoy, all you who are love stricken, a little puzzle not meant to shutter yours muscles. For behold ‘in love’ you have fallen into the deep sleep of Adam, and would barely recover alone!

So then may I teach you such words as are romantic enough; for in summer when you shall awake from this sweet-sailing slumber, assuredly, you shall be with ‘Hawa’

And so learn below the prose, sent to cuddle your throat; indulge therein, for in this, you will surely float

Say then this, when you have met with the golden countenance of ‘Hawa’ : ‘Hawa, every thought of ‘U’ brings gentle quite smiles to my face…and the feeling of warmth engulfs my rather tender breasts... Love deep down within me beckons for moments withyou…suddenly songs and new melody's spring from between my bosom and gentle calmness completely clouds my hurling conscience...

Like still waters, consistency grips my soul and I lust all day long and envisage your comely ambience... Aw stricken, I burst into poems and short circuit raging passion... I'm dumbfounded, lost in the ocean of care...I'm sickened, saddled and caressed by arms of love...

Wonderful amazement crushes into the temples of my soul, and without a shadow of doubt, words escape my reference in expatiating the experience of my best attempts, I helplessly sabotage the wholesome virtue of the pursuit of love relentlessly advanced by my beloved... I'm love sick... The very least I can say!!! I am love sick…HAWA.

Rite-life Freelancer
( [email protected] , 0266 650 605)

Author: Shadrack K. Datrey Akrofi-quarcoo


joshua | 6/11/2016 7:21:19 PM

good one there,I like it

Mharme mhends | 10/22/2016 7:47:38 PM

wow i am in love with the poem


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