Wed, 11 Apr 2018 Feature Article

Non-African Leaders That Accused the US government Of Testing Ebola On African Soil

Non-African Leaders That Accused the US government Of Testing Ebola On African Soil
11 APR 2018 LISTEN

Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un were the only two foreign leaders that accused Bill Gates and the US government for spreading Ebola on African soil without the voice of an African leader

Why the Russian and Indian governments banned Bill Gates from entering their countries

In the year 2014, Ebola hemorrhage fever erupted and killed thousands of people in the West African countries of Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia. While all African leaders remain silent, including the leaders of the West African countries hit by the virus, Vladimir Putin of Russia and Kim Jong Un of North Korea were the only leaders brave enough to confront America about the medical genocide.

Writer Baxter Dmitry revealed that President Putin has warned that Bill Gates is “experimenting” on Congolese villagers, infecting them with a rare strain of the Ebola virus and that research and development of “Ebola as a bioweapon” have been quietly recommended in a remote corner of the troubled African nation.

Western news report claim EBOLA DEATH TOLL RISES IN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO between one and three people have died since the outbreak of the Ebola virus was confirmed by the World Health Organization on Thursday, with doctors stating the victims were killed by the rare “Zaire strain” of the virus.

While medical staff remains puzzled by the appearance of the deadly disease in Bas-Uele province, a previously unaffected and remote part of the Congo, a Kremlin report claims the Ebola virus is a “bioweapon” being tweaked as part of an elite global eugenics plan.

And the finger of blame is being pointed squarely at Bill Gates. It is understood the bioweapon is being developed by Gates, the richest man in the world, to achieve his self-confessed Illuminati goal of depopulating the globe.

According to the leaked confidential Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report that has been read by sources in the Kremlin, it has been revealed that the virus was created by “world governments and non-government organizations.” It is understood the chief non-government organization behind the Ebola virus is Bill Gates’ own Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

President Putin is said to be “disturbed by the potential for worldwide harm.” There have been meetings in the past 24 hours regarding further sanctions on Bill Gates and his front companies, as well as plans to protect humanity from the “one man eugenics movement.”


Bill Gates wealth has given him international recognition but under the umbrella of the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control, he carries vaccine experiments on poor countries and finance the US government project for global depopulation

In 2016 President Putin banned Gates and his company Microsoft from Russia, citing security and privacy fears. Though dismissed as “paranoid” and “weird” by Western media at the time, WikiLeaks revelations in 2017 regarding collusion between the CIA, Microsoft, and Silicon Valley tech companies have proved Putin was one step ahead of the game.

In 2015 Bill Gates teamed up with Hollywood star Ben Affleck to request more money and freedom for the Gates Foundation to perform experiments in the Congo and other developing nations.

Since then, Gates has continued rolling out his biological and vaccination experiments around the developing world. But the world is slowly waking up to Gates’s sinister agenda.

Kim Jong Un accuses America of testing Ebola virus on African soil

In another development North Korea is accusing the US of spreading the Ebola virus, claiming it has been “bent on the development of bio-weapons” in order to achieve world supremacy.

The secretive state reacted strongly to the Ebola outbreak by closing its border to tourists and quarantining anyone who does enter.

Now, a report by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) is claiming an aide to ex-President Reagan informed them the US had invented a progenitor of Ebola virus “for the purpose of launching a biological warfare.”

India says goodbye to Bill Gates
Billionaire software guru Bill Gates has basically been told to get the hell out of India now that he and his wife Melinda’s infamous foundation has been exposed as nothing more than a vaccine-pushing fraud directly tied to Big Pharma.

This announcement comes after it was shown that so-called vaccine “campaigns” conducted on tens of thousands of young girls throughout India back in 2009-2010 that was meant to help protect them from cervical cancer were actually cloaked vaccine trials involving two highly controversial vaccines known to injure and kill.

The vaccines in question are Cervarix by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Gardasil by Merck & Co., both of which are marketed as protection against the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is claimed to have a link to cervical cancer.

Both vaccines come with extreme side effects, and evidence shows that GSK and Merck essentially teamed up with the Gates Foundation to take advantage of young Indian girls and use them as human guinea pigs in trials of the two vaccines.

These facts about Bill Gates and Ebola are warning to African leaders. Hopefully, they should agree that they are responsible for the lack of respect for Africans and themselves.
