22.08.2017 Feature Article

Why we losing the Cancer War in Ghana?(II)

The writerThe writer
22.08.2017 LISTEN

This is the concluding part on Mortiz philosophy on cancer

Standard cancer treatments may lower the number of cancer cells to an undetectable level, but this certainly cannot eradicate all cancer cells. As long as the causes of tumor growth remain intact, cancer may redevelop at any time, in any part of the body, and at any speed.

Curing cancer has little to do with getting rid of a group of detectable cancer cells. Treatments like chemotherapy and radiation are certainly capable of poisoning or burning many cancer cells, but they also destroy healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, etc., which often leads to permanent irreparable damage of entire organs and systems in the body.

The toxic chemicals contained in chemotherapy drugs alone can cause such severe inflammation in every cell of the body that even the hair follicles can no longer hold on to the strands of hair.

A real cure of cancer does not come at the expense of destroying other vital parts of the body. It is achievable only when the causes of excessive growth of cancer cells have been addressed and the body is being properly supported through its healing process. Cancer is the healing process that the body may choose to reestablish homeostasis. Not recognizing cancer as a healing mechanism can turn out to be fatal, and it often is.

This book is dedicated to dealing with the causes of cancer, not with its symptoms. Treating cancer as if it were a disease is a trap that millions of people have fallen into and they have paid a high price for not attending to its root causes.

While I strongly believe that cancer is a final healing phase, not a disease, I am fully aware that most people consider cancer to be a dreaded disease. I make no claims that my understanding of cancer is the only correct one, but I propose it is one of many correct ones.

The old saying, "Knowledge is different in different states of consciousness," reveals 'truth' to be a subjective projection of the mind, conscious or subconscious. In other words, if you insist that cancer is a terrible disease that may take your life, this death-fright belief of yours is likely going to fulfill your dreaded expectation. Remember, emotional trauma suppresses the immune system and prevents healing. Likewise, if you perceive cancer to be a healing phase that deals with an underlying imbalance, your truth is also going to help you achieve a positive outcome of your uplifting expectation.

It is unfortunate that the medical profession has by and large discouraged patients to participate in, or affect, their own cures. Patients are rarely included in the process of healing. Instead, medical treatments are now propagated to be the sole remedy for today's ills. In truth, whether a person heals or doesn't is largely controlled by the state of the body, mind and spirit of the person. Accepting this as fact can have enormous self-empowering effects which I consider essential for healing to occur and be effective

Power in the Word
Cancer is the second leading cause of death for Americans. According to the American Cancer Society, a total of 1,529,560 new cancer cases and 569,490 deaths from cancer were estimated to have occurred in the United States in 2010. Among men, the top three cancer diagnoses are prostate cancer, lung cancer, and colorectal cancer. The leading types of cancer among women are breast cancer, lung cancer, and colorectal cancer.

In addition, there are tens of thousands of underprivileged people who have cancer, but will not even receive a diagnosis because they cannot afford health insurance or a visit to the doctor.

Cancer is not just a word, but also a statement that refers to abnormal or unusual behavior of the body's cells. However, in quite a different context, cancer is referred to as a star sign. When someone says you are a 'cancer,' are you going tremble with fear of dying? Such a reaction is unlikely, because your interpretation of being of the cancer sign does not imply that you have cancer, the illness. But if your doctor called you into his office and told you that you had cancer, you would most likely feel shocked, paralyzed, numb, terrified, hopeless, or all of the above. The word 'cancer' has the potential to play a very disturbing and precarious role in your life, one that is capable of delivering a death sentence, and as you will discover in this book, actually execute it.

Although being a cancer patient seems to start with the diagnosis of cancer, its causes may have been present for many years prior to the patient feeling ill. Yet within a brief moment, the word 'cancer' can turn someone's entire world upside down.

Who or what in this world has bestowed this simple word or statement with such great power that it can preside over life and death? Or does it really possess this power? Could our collective, social conviction that cancer is a killer disease, along with the trauma-generating, aggressive treatments that follow diagnosis, actually be mainly responsible for the current dramatic escalation of cancer in the Western hemisphere? Such a thought is too far-fetched, you might reply! In this book, however, I will make the convincing point that cancer can have no power or control over you, unless the beliefs, perceptions, attitudes, thoughts, and feelings you have, allow it.

Would you be as afraid of cancer if you knew what caused it or at least understood what its underlying purpose was? Unlikely so! If the truth were told, you would probably do everything you could to remove the causes of the cancer and thereby lay the ground for the body to heal itself.

A little knowledge, which I also call ignorance, is in fact, a dangerous thing. Almost everyone, at least in the industrialized world, knows that drinking water from a filthy pond or polluted lake can cause life-threatening diarrhea. Yet, relatively few people realize that holding on to resentment, anger, and fear, avoiding exposure to the sun which causes vitamin D deficiency, not getting enough sleep on a regular basis, holding a cell phone to your head for an hour each day, being regularly exposed to X-rays, mammograms or CATS scans, or eating junk foods, chemical additives, and artificial sweeteners is no less dangerous than drinking polluted water. These habits of life may just take a little longer to kill a person than poison or tiny amoeba do, but there is no more doubt that they can.
