Sun, 10 Apr 2016 Feature Article

Vulnerability & Relationships

Vulnerability  Relationships

There are mainly three (3) pivots (legs) upon which successful living is built. The Trinitarian structure around which human life revolves could be categorized under headings (i) FAITH (ii) PROFESSION (iii) FAMILY/FRIENDS (RELATIONSHIPS). The implication been that, human life supposedly revolves faithfully around these structures as the Earth around the Sun. A disruption of one or all of the Trinitarian structure results in a form of chaotic condition. On the other hand, the maintenance of a healthy exchange between all three legs preempts a more stable life. Though all three legs are unique in role and important, each leg relies on other in a mutually beneficial manner.

All three pivots have one major source of FUEL 'needed to grease its engine' for maximized output: THE FUEL OF VULNERABILITY!!!

For the purpose of this discussion, permit me to discuss option (iii); that is, Vulnerability as it connects with Relationships.

Relationships never thrive by been 'SUPERMEN/SUPERWOMEN, CAPTIAN PLANETS, NARUTO’S or SPICE GIRLS characters' who seem to KNOW IT ALL& HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER. On the contrary, relationships (very effective ones) graciously thrive on VULNERABILITY!!!

The mystery of vulnerability implies that learn to communicate what you really REALLY intend as honestly, responsibly and simply as a child would.

QUeSTioNs TiM e: When was the last time you told your partner I MISS U? When last did you tell your colleague, I really appreciate your contribution to my work? Or rather, I couldn’t be giving off my best without your help? When was the last time you said to your little kids face, I LOVE U? When last did you say to mom/dad/ sibling 'I JUST CALLED TO SAY I CARE ABOUT YOU'??? When last did you make an honest comment to an authority for a good work done?

Now, I hope we can start judging why some relationships REMAIN and some FAIL..!!! ANYWAYS, no matter how bad relationships have been so far, that’s ok! The failures and mistakes of the past are all well and good! Lessons must be deduced and necessary adjustments made to secure better engagements when opportunities knocks another time. Furthermore, mistakes present a worthy opportunity to apply the law of vulnerability. A simple but heartfelt and well placed ‘sorry’ may kick start a long lost passionate dedication that existed in a now limping relationship. SQUARE UP, pick your vulnerability toolkit (including words like: IM SORRY, THANK YOU, PLEASSEEEEEEEE...ETC), start practicing from today (SAY WHAT YOU INTEND, NOT MERELY WHAT IS EXPECTED OF YOU)

Rite-life Freelancer
( [email protected] , 0266 650 605)
