
Untruths, Deceptions, and Make-beliefs of Easter Sunday Exposed Today! (Part 3 Of 4)

Feature Article Untruths, Deceptions, and Make-beliefs of Easter Sunday Exposed Today! Part 3 Of 4
APR 5, 2016 LISTEN

From what has been taught so far, it is obvious that the Savior was not buried at sunset of a Friday—that is, at the commencement of the Seventh Day of the Week Shabbat—according to Elohiym’s reckoning of what commences and ends each and every day, as revealed in His creation account in Beresheet (Genesis) chapter one! Also, his resurrection was neither at dawn, nor was it on the First Day of the Week (Sunday).

So then, we have to do a lot more search-work of the Word of Elohiym, and diligently too, to be able to establish the actual day and hour of burial so as to also come up with the true hour and day of the Savior’s resurrection.

The first place to begin our search is Shemot (Exodus?) 12:1-14 and Vayikra (Leviticus?) 23:1-44. Here in Vayikra is the full list of feasts ordained and mandated by Elohiym to be observed by all the children of Yisroel every year, according to His set times, seasons and manner. Any feast outside this list is unauthorized by Elohiym and would, therefore, be offensive and antagonistic to His course; and its celebrants, punishable with denial of Khayyei Olam (eternal life)!!

All the feasts listed in Vayikra had to be celebrated either on fixed dates in particular months in the Ivrit (Hebrew) calendar, or on particular fixed days of the week. So then, when a feast is mandated to fall on a particular date, say, 14th Abib, then the day of that date varies annually; and vice versa, when feasts fall on particular days, dates must obviously vary.

Two reasons determine these variations! Firstly, it is by the Will of Elohiym that His feasts are observed at set times and seasons, and so, their dates or days must never be tampered with by man! Secondly, and still consequent upon the Will of Elohiym, is that the annual calendar of Yisroel is made and based on an alternating 30-day and 29-day monthly cycle.

Therefore, whatever day which commenced the feast of Rosh HaShanah (the Ivri New Year) of 1st Tishirei in one year would not be the same day for Rosh HaShanah in the next or ensuing years; not until a certain cycle of years is completed. So then, even when a feast was mandated to be celebrated on a particular day, it was always referenced to a particular date of this calendar!

Christians must find enough wisdom in these truths of the Holy Ivrit Word of Elohiym to explain to mankind why their most important feast, their so-called Easter Sunday, which they deem to be in celebration of the resurrection of the Savior of mankind, must always be on Sunday; otherwise they deceive themselves in what they do!

You see, no one takes any initiative for Elohiym which He accepts! Remember Uzzah—cf. Shmu’El Beth (Second Samuel?) 6:6-8; king Sha’ul—cf. Shmu’El Aleph (First Samuel?) 15:8-23; Shimon Kefa—cf. Ma’asim (Acts) 1:15-26; and Sha’ul—cf. Ma’asim 9:1-12?? All of these men tried rendering unsolicited service to Elohiym at their own initiatives and were rejected, some even unto death! So then, Christians must not fix their so-called Holy Thursday, Good Friday or Easter Sunday and claim to honor Elohiym by them or think He accepts them!!

Now, let us turn from our earlier study of Vayikra 23 to YahuKhanan (John?) 12:1-19:42 to learn a few things in the last one-week itinerary of the Savior in relation to Khag Pesach (feast of Passover?). We learn from the first verse of YahuKhanan chapter twelve that, six days to Khag Pesach, the Savior passed the night in the town of Beit-Anyan (Bethany); where he was guest in the home of two sisters named Marta and Miryam and their brother El’azar (Lazarus?), who Yahushua had, some time ago raised back to life from the dead!

Now, from Vayikra and Shemot, we learned that Khag Pesach is eternally fixed by Elohiym at 14th Abib. This feast is in commemoration of the deliverance of the children of Yisroel from the house of bondage and the events of their last night in Mitzrayim. And so, if, six days to the commemoration of this event, the Savior was in Beit-Anyan, then the date of this day must be 8th Abib!

What is generally referred to as the triumphant entry of the Savior into YahuSalem, which Christians refer to as Palm Sunday [which will be proven in this article to be no Sunday after all], was the next day after the Savior’s stay in Beit-Anyan, and so must be 9th Abib.

We must constantly keep in our minds that every day of Elohiym begins at sunset, wears on through daylight, and ends at the next sunset; and that, in this account, Yahushua must have spent virtually all the daylight hours of 8th Abib in Beit-Anyan, working the works he’d been sent to do—preaching the Besurah HaGeulah (Good News of Mankind’s redemption) and socializing in the company of El’azar, Marta and Miryam—before leaving on the short journey of about 4km for YahuSalem.

After Yahushua had entered YahuSalem to a rousing welcome from his one-day stay in Beit-Anyan, there is no record that he ever went out of the Holy City until after his last supper on Earth. He was literally quarantined or tethered within the city, as is required for every Seh that is always chosen for Khag Pesach to be quarantined for a number of days before its slaughter for Khag Pesach.

Because Yahushua was chosen by his Abba (Father) to be HaSeh HaElohiym that was to be killed in sacrifice in place of the ordinary Seh normally chosen for Khag Peasch, and by which sacrifice Elohiym would take away the sin of the world, Yahushua himself could not, obviously, be a living partaker in Khag Pesach of 14th Abib in the year of his death!

So then, he and his shlikhim (apostles?) went for an early Pesach Seder (Passover supper?) one full day ahead of the scheduled Khag Pesach of 14th Abib! This supper is what has come to be known among Christians as the Last Supper of Yahushua on Earth; which was obviously on the evening that commenced 13th Abib in the year Yahushua was killed!

At this meal, Yahushua took bread and, after breaking and blessing it, gave it to his shlikhim to eat, telling them that the bread stood for his flesh (body) which was to be broken for them in the course of that same day. Then, he followed up by giving them a cup of wine to pass round as they drank, and again told them that the wine signified his blood which was to be shed for the remission of sin that same day.

He then institutionalized this ritual of bread and wine as a memorial or remembrance of his death; and please note, that it was not to be in remembrance of his resurrection whenever his promise of it became fulfilled!!

The use of products derived from vegetables—wheat and vine—for this institutionalized ritual would seem to suggest a return to the Gan Eden (Garden Eden?) of Adam and Chava (Eve?) by every truly saved person to, forever, partake of HaEtz HaKhayyim (The Tree of Life)—cf. Beresheet (Genesis) 3:22-23 and YahuKhanan (John?) 15:5—which, until the resurrection of Yahushua, was under guard by a malak with a drawn sword!

Surprisingly, this simple command to mankind by the Savior to commemorate this supper in remembrance of his death [without a hint at any resurrection] has been misconstrued to mean a command to a daily celebration of the resurrection of Yahushua with any kind of meal---breakfast, lunch, or supper; but typically a breakfast!

And so, all Christians do what is supposed to be done annually, in remembrance of the death of the Savior, and at the dinner table in private homes, as a daily, monthly, or quarterly ritual in massed churches during their Sunday morning programs instead; for, according to the thinking of Christians, anything goes, if only it is according to the whims of their leaders! Oh, what ignorance!!

After the Savior’s last supper, he seemed to have broken the rope that tethered him within the Holy City and “strayed” out of it, and so had to be arrested, severely roughed up and sent back into the city to be tried in the kangaroo courts of Pontius Pilate and Herod, and by midday of 13th Abib, was hanged to a stake (pole) with his wrists clasped together over his head, and with his lower limbs dangling, to bleed slowly to an asphyxiated death.

As the daylight hours of 13th Abib wore on toward the sunset that would commence the celebration of Khag Pesach of 14th Abib in private homes, Yahushua was slowly on his way to yielding up his Ruwakh (Ghost/Spirit?) and finally breathed his last breath at about 3:00 pm of the day.

Before 6:00 pm, the lifeless body of Yahushua was permitted by Pontius Pilate to be buried, and so, was hurriedly laid to rest in a tomb by his friends so they could rush home to join in the Khag Pesach—the time of burial coinciding with the 6:00 pm sunset hour that all families in Yisroel had to have the cadaver of their sacrificed Pesach Seh carried into their homes, and with all front doors to their houses bolted from any intruders, to begin the cooking of the Pesach Seder for the celebration of Khag Pesach.

Please read the Part 4 Of 4 of this article which is soon to be published in this same column. Shalom aleikhem.
