Mon, 08 Feb 2016 Feature Article

Christians In The Hands Of The Devil

Christians In The Hands Of The Devil

Friday, February 5th 2016, Black Star Square, Accra: Already around 10 am TroTros had challenges to reach Tema Station to embark their passengers.

Pastor Chris from Christ Embassy was due to preach, teach and perform miracles from 6pm until Dawn. Masses of Followers of this Man of GOD gathered in the early morning sun to find their best place being close to Pastor Chris even it mend having had to wait for hours with no end in the ever increasing heat of the day. While having patiently to wait for the Superstar representing a business empire unseen in the Western World of Europe that he and others called a Church of Christ, they prayed eagerly to GOD and shared their testimonies.

The next morning came and the truth was seeing the light of the day: refuse as far as the eyes could see. The Followers came with Food and Drinks, had no problems to worship with their open mouth the Lord of Lords while underneath their bodies they dumped plastic, paper and glass in unexpected volumes. The Bible is teaching us the Devil has come to destroy the world…littering the environment is part of the destruction of a countries essential life line, a healthy nature, like caused also by de-forestation, illegal mining, old cars in the road with harmful exhaustions.

True Christians, the Bible is teaching us, can be identified not by their words, but by their actions.

National Sanitation Day, Saturday February 6th 2016: Media reports say the turnout of people is getting less each months, even vendors do no longer care to keep their shops locked until 10am but serve customers while Zoomlion employees along with local Politicians dig keep down in the gutters that were already cleaned weeks before.

To keep Ghana clean is not a miracle, it requires respect and understanding of someone’s environment and honour GOD’s marvelous creation we depend on and not nature on us, correct use of necessary packaging materials and human waste for recycling and fertilizer purposes besides generation Bio-Fuel and Bio-Gas, discipline in doing the right thing as well as the willingness and capability to punish anyone not willing to follow the right way into a healthy and prosperous future.

It is a mindset and conviction to come to the conclusion only privately mandated companies licensed and regulated can go after people littering the environment taking evidence of the wrong doings, arresting them as civilians under the appropriate Law, handing the perpetrator over to the Police with subsequent court hearings in specially established courts all over the country. By the political willingness of all good people of Ghana Sanitation problems will be an issue of the past. This raises the question, why are Government and local Assemblies not doing the right things but keep their eyes wide shut to please people and not to step on their toes until June and July comes and many Ghanaians will lose their lives once again. Wise people learn from their mistakes, only fools repeat their foolishness year in and year out.

It will not take long and National Sanitation Day will be put as a White Elephant into the National Archives of the country for future generations to have a good laugh about the wicked minds of their ancestors.

Everyone that has outed him by littering the environment should be seen as a Terrorist against the welfare of the Ghanaians and be exposed in their National Hall of Shame for generations to see. The wise man is talking few as the Bible is teaching us which does not mean that an Integrated Waste Management should not be in the heads, hearts and mouths of all good people of Ghana. When someone truly loves his country a lot he would respect it and dispose his waste off in the right way, only ignorance causes Cholera and Malaria. Someone that does not honour his country should better hand over the responsibility for it to people with a sense and ability for a good life.

Singapore is so hygienic, more than some countries in Europe that you can eat food from the streets based on strict laws and subsequent unmistakenly harsh law enforcement. Nothing should stop Africans from imitating Asians and end their arrogance of misusing their environment for their egoistic life-style.

Christians worshipping their pastors instead of giving thanks to GOD should get down on their keens to save lives of humans and in nature for a glorious life on earth.

Author: Dipl.-Pol. Karl-Heinz Heerde, Sakumono Estate, Block D10, Aprt.9, Tema West, Ghana, [email protected] , phone +233(0)265078287, 07.02.2016
