08.05.2010 Feature Article

Neanderthals Mated With Albinos?

Albinos, Neanderthals, and the Myth of Superiority
Neanderthals Mated With Albinos?
08.05.2010 LISTEN

While the motive of other researchers of the Homo Sapiens Albinos' camp concerning the propounding of the theory of man had been energised by the ”dominance intention,” the motive of some independent researchers had been rooted from the ”fact finding” and the ”wonders of natures” intentions. Surely, there are differences between human beings, but these differences had been explained to be negligible that should not give us the course for others to elevate themselves with the intention of securing “illusory superiority” in the world. The recent work by me which had been entitled “War Psychiatry: Contemporary Theories on War Disorders and Other Related Conditions” has been successful in explaining the conditions regarding the human migration and why the Homo Sapiens Albinos got their forged “frivolous power” and “recognition” from. Of late, other scholars of different disciplines had through the inspiration given to them by my work been capable of presenting what seems to be the real and authentic history concerning human migration and their populating of different continents of the earth.

The purpose of this article is to refute the recent postulate advanced by Pablo Pääbo, a German Evolutionist that Neanderthals mated with the Albinos and that this has given them some unique characteristics as against all others who had no sexual contact with these primitive human beings. The study will show that the Neanderthals were primitive beings, ugly, aggressive, and their failure to survive (lived in caves) in the hectic Arctic region showed that they were not intelligent and lacked developmental capability just as had initially been seen with the shunned Homo Sapiens Albinos who today have managed to make it through the help of science that was originated by Homo Sapiens Africanus. The Neanderthals' natural strength which was protruding characteristic prevented them from depending on their brains, which were the right human instruments to aid them to adapt to their challenging milieu.


Pääbo's work, like many early theories postulated by the Albinos, were intended to cause others to view only these Albinos as the right human beings on earth. Earlier before when the theory of deformation had not been propounded, it had allowed these Albinos to secure all that was on earth. This also gave them pre-eminence in whatever was being done on earth that concerned human beings. It must be emphasised that the idea that these primitive Neanderthal beings had mated with these Albinos were discarded long time ago. It did not sound likeable because these beings were primitive and had, moreover, failed to survive as against the Homo Sapiens Africannus who had thrived so many thousand of years on the planet. Therefore, it was not surprising that now that there is nothing strong to be used to support their elevation and glorification of themselves they should now recoil to this less likely scenario of the shunned Albinos being the beauty or attractive to these crafty and aggressive primitive Neanderthals. Though, this time the work had utilised genetic information to make the discovery he purported to have unravelled, I must say that there had been sundry occasions where scientists had falsified information to secure what they wanted to find. Even if they had the objectivity to make such analysis to be perfect, still the study does not give us the strongest urge to accept this as genuine. Neanderthals tragically failed and it would be very hard for anyone to accept these failed people to have the characteristic that help development that Pablo purports to propagate to the world. There are incredibly many people in the Homo Sapiens Africanus camp that had similar features like the Neanderthals, and these had been capable of producing Albinos that could also disprove this theory concerning physical features of these failed primitive beings that slept in Caves and left no tangible civilisation.


As mentioned before, Albinos have a tendency of seeing things about them as the best and, moreover, their perspective in viewing at things more superb than all other human beings. Their skin colour, eyes, and hair which had been the result of deformation, was seen by them and many other ignorant people as the best human characteristics until recently it was revealed through research that indicated that it was actually an inherited disorder. Even war, which had been the most primitive method of settling cases by the barbarians and the naive tribes which lived many centuries ago, had been accepted by these adventurous Albinos as the yardstick for measuring superiority in the world. Stealing and force confiscation of other human beings' properties in diverse parts of the earth had been the characteristics of these barbaric wars that were usually engineered by these Albinos but still they manipulated all other nations to follow their footsteps. These, therefore, became the accepted practice to deal with them and it was childish manner of dealing with themselves in those years of domination and slavery. When one reads stories and facts about these Neanderthals who roamed in the colder climates prior to the flight of the Albinos due to deformation and concomitant mobbing, one finds the picture of primitive beings that had no manners of controlling their primitive urges. They looked very ugly and, moreover, they had no intelligent manners that permitted them to build houses and as a result enabled them to survive. If these people that failed and had no form of education and left no trace of civilisation is what Pablo Pääbo is talking about them, then, I shall ask him to investigate for himself those people that built the first civilisation on earth when the Albinos were roaming in the colder climates as shunned vagabonds. While Homo sapiens Albinos had ruled the world for more that 15000 years, Albinos only appeared on the scene 1200 BC to only destroy and also build upon what other Homo Sapiens Africannus had already built. Later, I would inform Pääbo how the Jews who are direct descendants of the Black Africans had helped the Nazi states to achieve for Germany and also how the black-haired Albinos from Central Europe built the Scandinavia society which was desolate in terms of industries even during the 1600. The blondes were being discriminated in terms of jobs because they had not built the factories and industries themselves; those people from Central Europe (black-haired with brown eyes) had monopoly and they, the blondes had to struggle to come in to secure jobs in the job market.


The Neanderthals hunted in large groups and lived in caves. They had no proper manners of living and had to clothe themselves with animal skins. It was the pressure put on them that compelled them to devise these means of clothing themselves. Unlike the Albinos, they had no Roman tribes (Latins) to come and open their eyes and teach them how to clothe themselves. Some Albinos were running naked in the Island that was situated in the western side of continental Europe (British Isles). Nor did they have the Egyptians and the black Greeks to teach them the rudiments of science by allowing them to participate in their religious rituals. It has been said that the drawings in the cave in France were done by the black civilisation that lived there before the Albinos migrated from their isolation to come and only destroy what others had already built.


It is accepted fact that Albinos were shunned as outcast and that explained the reason while they initially married among themselves. Spreading in different groups, sisters married their brothers and brothers married their sisters, allowing the different tribes to gain physical characteristics with big noses, pointed noses, or big eyes, which later would help them with identification and nation building. Though, they met other people from Asia during their nomadic journey, these were Albino Mongols and other Albinos from the Dravidian tribes, that is, other black people that migrated from the continent of Africa. It is likely that these Neanderthals might have shunned these Albinos (with their strange hair and skin colour) and probably either killed them when they had caught their eyes or sacrificed them to their gods as it was being done in the pioneer continent of Africa. (By the way, Africa and Europe used to be one continent until cunning Albinos separated them by giving them different names; also calling themselves wrong colour of being “white”. If this separation were not made, probably we would not be struggling to refute some of the myths coined by these Albinos in order to obtain “illusory superiority”).

The grouping of the Albinos in the Northern Hemisphere as against those Albinos in the Central Europe should not only be seen as due to the mixing of the Central Europeans with blacks in Africa recently (in Italy where the Africans conquered the Albinos and mated with them). But on the contrary, the mobbing that those blondes (in German language blond means “Yellow” which corresponds to the hair of African Albinos or Homo Sapiens Albinos Africanus) faced among those with black hair. In the Northern Hemisphere, during the 1500 onwards those people that migrated to the Islands who had black hair and brown eyes had to discriminate against the natives who were blondes. The latter were finding it difficult to be employed by the former when they brought their industries and factories (these persons from Belgium etc). The conflict continued for sometime which might have explained why Hitler started his later hate against those with black hair and brown eyes in Germany. The blondes were seen as lazy individuals and therefore were not being employed by the Albino immigrants with black hair and brown eyes.

Later in Germany and elsewhere those with Black hair and brown eyes (Kepler, Kant, Descarte, Von Neumann, etc) including the Jews had contributed to the world of science by propounding superb theories that had changed the world beyond recognition (Einstein, Neil Bohr, etc). As before their civilisation in the distant past where black people had excelled and built superb civilisation so also were the times during their recent civilisation those with black hair and brown eyes had contributed through their superb scientific achievement. Pablo Pääbo's theory lacked basis when he says that the mixing of the DNA of the primitive Neanderthals with the Albinos aided the Albinos to develop scientifically. Albinos had always been seen as handicapped and lazy individuals who through manipulation and stealing had confiscated others' properties.


As reiterated elsewhere Albinos' “honeymoon” is over; they did not originate all the developments we see in the world at the moment. At any rate, now that the world has discovered their manipulations and cunning behaviour, and also how they create wars to confuse the different groups of people and dominate, they shall surely suffer as they have no pre-eminence in the world any longer. Concerning developments that they refer to them in their boasting, all serious nations shall reach the destination of modern technology and developments if they seriously work toward them.


The scientific community had never accepted the idea that Albinos mated with primitive, ugly, and unintelligent Neanderthal tribes. It has been pointed out over and over again, so why Pablo Pääbo should get the idea that this could be a desperate attempt to refute the authentic researchers presented by Black haired and Brown eyes researchers from the “normal” and original human beings of this earth, the progenitors of the earth but not counterfeit but instead original, it is very hard to understand. Pablo thinks that we live in the 1920s where Albinos coined wrong colour “white” to refer to themselves. Let a Martian citizen come to this earth and ask him whether he would assign “white colour” to the Albinos' descendants of the planet earth. We shall never succumb to the people that had led the world through manipulation and so coaxed to see only in their perspective which deceived us to follow them in their barbaric wars that nearly brought the people of the world to their kneels. We shall never surrender to the mediocre theory formulated by the Albinos to elevate themselves alone above all others even though the facts prove us right that they possessed a disorder not the rest of us.

There are many indications that point to the fact that the Neanderthals suffered extinction because of some inherent disorder they possessed which was not obvious to us just as the Albinos' disorder was not obvious to us so they deceived the world to follow them concerning their barbaric wars on earth. Albinos suffered humiliation and frustration because the world shunned them just as their parent had earlier shunned them. The terrible situation they found themselves were only minor, if one considers the fact that they were continuously being sacrificed and killed for the gods of the original human beings. If they had not had contact with Africans, Asians and many others who surrendered their properties to them, probably they would have died or become extinct like the Neanderthals due to the barbaric wars they fought among themselves. The disorder of greed alone would have caused them to be extinct had it not been the kind and gentle demeanour shown to them by the original humans. The attempt to set themselves aside in order to continue the manipulation and cunning behaviour should be immediately impeded. Through consensus we can reduce the wars and bizarre behaviour they had shown in this world due to ignorance which the people of the world had allowed themselves to suffer.

Neanderthals were primitive human beings who had some hidden disorders that could be tied to their bizarre behaviour and extinction from the planet earth. Their conditions in the hectic weather in the Arctic were pathetic and were due to their lack of capability to develop creatively and survive on earth. If the world does not take control and allows the Albinos to alone lead the world, we shall one day find ourselves boiling in nuclear war.

Desmond Ayim-Aboagye had taught in Uppsala University in Sweden and Åbo Akademi University in Finland. He is currently Associate Professor in the latter University. Desmond is on his way to Ghana to continue teaching in one of the Universities in Ghana.
