In the heart of a vibrant village, our lives were interwoven with love and unity. From the closest relatives to extended kin, we basked in a tapestry of affectionate connections. Our days were not spent in isolation but in the beautiful harmony of togetherness. We shared meals without fear, embracing the true essence of family. However, as time passed and we chased academic and financial achievements, a shadow crept over our once unbreakable bond. Unhealthy competition and a fading sense of belonging led us astray, viewing each other as rivals rather than the pillars of support we once were.
Gone are the days when family members confided in one another, offering solace and lifting spirits amidst adversity. The stories of triumph that once unified us have lost their significance, and the hands that once intertwined have grown distant. In our search for answers to life's fleeting trials, we have unwittingly ensnared those who once rescued us through their kindness. Blinded by misguided beliefs, we have turned away from our extended family, perceiving them as adversaries instead of blessings. Religion and the inclination to attribute misfortune to malevolent forces have marred countless beautiful homes.
Oh, how we ache for the bygone era when girls would gather, nourish each other's souls, and revel in a genuine love that knew no bounds. And those days when boys stood as one, unyielding and bound for a shared destiny. We reminisce about the times when we revered our mothers' sisters as our own and embraced our fathers' brothers as fathers themselves. What has befallen us that we can no longer meet the gaze of our beloved ones? Today, we seek refuge in solitude, shunning the very essence of familial infiltration.
Let us not allow our present circumstances to cloud our perception of those who selflessly raised us when our parents were absent. Let us not hide behind the veneer of the 21st century and the worldly advancements that threaten to shatter the foundation of our family. Instead, let us yearn for the days of yore, when laughter filled the air and Akan games like ampe, oware, pilolo, nte, dame and nso were shared with boundless joy. These cherished memories anchor us to our roots, reminding us of the irreplaceable value of our familial ties.
In a world that constantly tempts us with individualism, we must not forget the sustenance and strength that our birth family provides. It is in nurturing the family bond that we find solace, love, and unwavering support. Together, let us embark on a journey to reignite the flame that once illuminated our lives. By embracing the timeless traditions and cherished connections that defined us, we can breathe new life into our relationships and build a future founded on the enduring power of family.
Written by Michael Sarfo