Thu, 23 May 2024 General News

Pray for me, I’m not happy – Actor James Gardiner beg fans as he battles depression

By CitiNewsRoom
Pray for me, Im not happy  Actor James Gardiner beg fans as he battles depression

Ghanaian actor, James Gardiner has opened up on how he felt numb and powerless on his birthday.


The talented actor narrated all the setbacks he encountered when he set up some businesses and all went down the drain as a result of unforeseen circumstances.

In a post on Instagram, James Gardiner said In 2018 he managed to start a car rental company. Things were good until Covid hit.

“Then the business dipped for like 2 years I sold the cars and decided to invest in a nightclub in Ghana hoping to strike gold once again”.


According to him, he spent his birthday crying in his room alone because he didn't know what to do. He urged his fans to pray for him to overcome the adversity.


