16.02.2019 Feature Article

You Will Die Bored

Things to avoid
You Will Die Bored
16.02.2019 LISTEN

I can try telling you how to be successful in life but I will rather tell you how to die of boredom (sarcasm intended).

1. Do not take Christ offer of a dangerous life seriously.

2. Engross yourself in Sunday Christianity.
3. Listen to gospel and country music but no biblical sermon.

4. Memorise wise saying from Christian t-shirts and not Scriptures from the Bible.

5. Adopt a Joel Olsten faith and squeeze all your pleasures from this life.

6. Pay just a tenth of all you get to the Church
7. Pray for missions but never share the Gospel and have big dreams for your children but never wish they were missionaries.

8. Spend more of your time in Christian conferences and programs but very little in private conference with God.

9. Marry someone who loves God in a civilised way the same way you do.

10. Never accept the foolhardy saying that 'risk for Christ is right'.

You now have 10 great secrets that will help you grow old in a respectable way. Forget the talk that says the Church is an army and that other one that says ‘through many struggles we must enter the Kingdom of God’.

Play it safe, you don't have to sacrifice your life or pleasure for Christ sacrificed His so you can take life easy. Did He not say it is finished and there's nothing more for you to do but to just do the minimum task and float on a bed of roses bathed in oil.

Some say Christ died so you'll have your best life now, follow them, but know that you will end up old and wondering what good work you did in Christ's Church. But before then you would have died a million ways of boredom.
