14.11.2018 Feature Article

Do you know why you need to shine?

Do you know why you need to shine?
14.11.2018 LISTEN

Jesus Christ said in the synoptic gospel said, there is no one that will light a lamp and hide it. Well, this truth does mean that you have good potentials in you that you must let the world see.

Footballers and all sports people do what they do with the intention that someone will watch them. Greater percentage of all that we are doing in life are for the sake of others. So, if what you have does not benefit others, the rewards you will have will be little. Think about that and offer value to the world.

If you agree, then you need not to fear using your potentials. You need to display your God given gifts like the sun, stars and moon.

Do not be scared to shine or soar. You are here for that. Why should you not shine? Arise and shine, because it is your time to do so! You are awesome and useful. Go and be highly useful!
