Thu, 30 Nov 2017 Opinion

Is Artificial Intelligence Now Advanced Enough For Us to Regulate It?

By David Wine
Is Artificial Intelligence Now Advanced Enough For Us to Regulate It?

Singularity. It’s discussed by futurists and by scientists. Then there are the rest of us grappling to get our heads around the “reality” that within a decade or so, Artificial Intelligence will change everything.

CMRubinWorld recently asked Millennials around the world to answer this question: Do we need to regulate AI now before it becomes a danger to humanity?

“We are experiencing a time where five companies are holding most of the economical (and even political) power in the world: Facebook, Alphabet, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft,” stresses Reetta Heiskanen “We should think about fundamental questions: what are the elements that make human a human? And what are the ingredients that help us execute our own, individual potential?”

Sajia Darwish comments, “It is crucial to control the power and availability of AI in order to prevent the dominance of powerful companies with large amounts of data and funding,” and Wilson Carter states, “it saddens me to think that a technology that could improve the lives of billions, like implementing autonomous farming to ensure all of the world’s peoples are sufficiently fed, is being warped into creating new age killing machines.”

The Millennial Bloggers can be found all around the world. They are innovators and are dedicated to education, their merits can be seen throughout their efforts to educate and lead. The Millennial Bloggers are Alusine Barrie, Sajia Darwish, James Kernochan, Kamna Kathuria, Jacob Deleon Navarrete, Reetta Heiskanen, Shay Wright, Isadora Baum, Wilson Carter III, Francisco Hernandez, Erin Farley, Dominique Alyssa Dryding, Harry Glass, Harmony Siganporia and Bonnie Chiu.

CMRubinWorld launched in 2010 to explore what kind of education would prepare students to succeed in a rapidly changing globalized world. Its award-winning series, The Global Search for Education, is a highly regarded trailblazer in the renaissance of 21st century education, and occupies a widely respected place in the pulse of key issues facing every nation and the collective future of all children.

It connects today’s top thought leaders with a diverse global audience of parents, students and educators. Its highly readable platform allows for discourse concerning our highest ideals and the sustainable solutions we must engineer to achieve them. C. M. Rubin has produced hundreds of interviews and articles discussing an extensive array of topics under a singular vision: when it comes to the world of children, there is always more work to be done.
