Sun, 29 Oct 2017 Feature Article

Why Christian Clergymen Are Unqualified to Pronounce Blessings on Their Congre...—Letter to a Reader

Why Christian Clergymen Are Unqualified to Pronounce Blessings on Their Congre...—Letter to a Reader

Close to two months now is when I published, in this same column here on the Modern Ghana internet site, an article of title Why Christian Clergymen Are Unqualified to Pronounce Blessings on Their Congregations of link which, to date, has been read by thousands of people the world over!

One of these readers, a male Ghanaian currently living in Finland-Europe claiming to go by the name Yaw, posted a few comments for me and all readers after reading the article, to which I like to respond here in this column in the form of a letter to him and for the benefit of my other readers.

I must say I have, in some way, already responded to the comments made by Yaw by what I posted for him in the Comments section located at the bottom of the said article as published on Modern Ghana.

In order for readers of this article to get the thrust of my letter to Yaw, I deem it necessary to present here the full comments Yaw made, unedited, as follows:

“Not all servants of God were to keep the vows of the Nazirites, some of whom even volunteered to join---Numbers 6:1-7; Judges 13:2-7.

Jesus fulfilled the prophecies (Matthew 5:17), he and some worshippers showed the none general application or irrelevance of some of these (Nazirite) laws.

For instance dead bodies were touched to resurrect the dead (1Kings 17:17-24; 2Kings 4:32-37; Luke 7:13-15; Matthew 9:25).

Jesus drank wine, an alcoholic drink (Matthew 11:19). It was not a requirement for first century Christians to keep their hair”

And here now is my letter to Yaw.
Dear Yaw: Thank you for reading my article and for your comments you post here for me and all readers of the article.

May I ask if you read my entire article, and critically too?? If you did, then you probably never understood the article or you were in a haste to post your comments! For, your comments show you are confusing issues!

First of all, I never said in my article that “all servants of god were to keep the vows of the Nazarites”, to quote your own words to you.

All I said was that it is compulsory for mature men to keep all of their facial hairs ALWAYS visible and at all times, in compliance with Towrah instructions of Yahuwah Elohiym!! And that, ALL mature men are to understand that these facial hairs are gifts of and from Yahuwah Elohiym to them, while considering why women do not have the full complement of facial hairs that are given freely to men!

I also said that since the observance of the strict vows of the Naziyr added value, holiness-wise, to the being of any man who already esteemed his facial hairs as holy gifts of and from his Maker, and therefore maintained them according to Towrah instruction, these vows of Naziryim were in days of old when the children of Yisroel lived in their inheritance, vowed ONLY by the few men who decided to take their quest for holiness to the highest level!! And so, the vows of the Naziryim were optional as you yourself surmise from the revelation of the chapter six of Bamidbar (Numbers??).

However, you totally miss the point by your expression of thought on Shofetim (Judges??) 13:2-7 as also being in reference to a voluntary type of lifestyle adopted by a Naziyr! Remember these verses of Shofetim you state here in your comments refer to Shimshon (Samson??) who Yahuwah Himself set apart and consecrated to Himself as a Naziyr, even while he was in his mother's womb, so that he would be of service to Him and Yisroel throughout his life when born!!

Yes, you rightly state that dead men were touched to have them resurrect from the dead! However, you failed to examine and to mention what manner of people were they who touched these bodies! And so, you wrongly hold in your mind that I mean by my article that all workers of Yahuwah Elohiym must be Naziyrim in order to be successful and deemed to be truly of and from Him, so as to be able to resurrect dead bodies!

What is obviously clear about the men whom Yahuwah Elohiym used in these resurrections is that they all had beards, which they kept and maintained in compliance with Towrah law, but were not necessarily Naziryim who swore to the vows of separation and consecration unto Yahuwah Elohiym, as did all Naziyrim!!

In the two instances from the Tanakh (Old Testament of English Bible??) that you refer to in your comments about dead men being raised to life, you MUST know that those holy men who were involved in these feats are EliYahu (Elijah??) and Elisha; with reference from Melekim Ekhad (First Kings?) 17 and Melekim Sheni (Second Kings??) 4 respectively. Both of these neviim (prophets??) were never beardless or shorn while on any assignment or mission for Yahuwah Elohiym!

When we read about EliYahu in Melekim Sheni 1:7-8 as being hairy, it must be understood within the context of facial hair, and not that it referred to his entire body as being hairy. In fact, no navi (prophet??) under the Towrah is deemed worthy to undertake any task for Yahuwah Elohiym without all his facial hairs being in place!!

As for the Savior, Yahushua, who you wrongly call Jesus (a Goy or Gentile name of evil roots of the Greek Izeus or Iesous, and Latin Iesus), He was and is the most holy being who ever lived on Earth and, hence, did not have to seek to live a life of holiness that was to progresses from holy to most holy, as the vows and lifestyle of Naziyrim were so made and lived to eventually enable them (the Naziyrim) achieve or attain the highest level of holiness that was or is ever attainable by mortal men.

So then, Yahushua did not have to make or take the vows of Naziyrim to become most holy since the holiness he manifested was holiness at its highest apogee, whether He ate the fruit of the vine or even drank wine!!

For the Naziyrim, the Towrah instructions that was given to them—that they should not eat the fruit of the vine, whether fresh or dried, and that they MUST abstain from wine and other strong drinks [and not to eat anything that was NOT “kosher” or that was ritually unclean for food, among fishes, birds, or beasts that were and are generally not permitted to be eaten by ANY AND ALL children of Yisroel under the Towrah]—was only for the self-control of the Naziyrim towards reaching the highest level of holiness they sought after!!

Now, since Yahushua did not have a need to strive for self-control in order for Him to attain the highest level of holiness, because he was and is already the most self-controlled and holiest Being, He did not have to vow the vows of Naziyrim in order for Him to attain the highest level of holiness that is sought after by mortal man!!

Note that the drinking of wine was and is not a sin under the Towrah, as some holier-than-thou Christians judge the drinking of wine to be! And so, Yahushua may have drank wine and yet was and is not considered to have sinned, simply because drinking wine per se has never been and is not a sin under the Towrah!

My dear Yaw: If you would say by your very difficult to comprehend-in-full sentence, that, “Jesus fulfilled the prophecies (Matthew 5:17), he and some worshippers showed the none general application or irrelevance of some of these (Nazirite) laws”, as you have done by this quote, then you open yourself to ridicule and the consequences of not being able to substantiate your assumptions!

For, you must be able to state what nevuah (prophecy) in relation to facial hairs and the vows of Naziyrim that your “Jesus” fulfilled? Also, you cannot just make a loose statement in claiming that he (your “Jesus”) and other worshippers showed that “some of these (Nazirite) laws” were “irrelevant” without being held to account for spewing out of your mouth such obvious untruth.

Finally, my dear Yaw, if you say as you did in your comments that “It was not a requirement for first century Christians to keep their hair”, then it means that it was a waste of energy and a misplaced wisdom by Yahuwah Elohiym, the Creator, a waste of His precious time and resources, and even an insult to Him, for anyone to suppose that He would work daily to plant hairs on these Christian people, only for them to shave them off on a daily basis, simply because, to these Christians, He had done a useless and unwanted job on them!!

This one anti-Towrah and, thus, evil lifestyle of Christians in not keeping all of their facial hairs ALWAYS visible, from their days during the First Century through to today, gives them up as having never known or walked “HaDerekh” (The Way) toward the Tree of Life!! I just fear about the destiny of those Christians who would act as simpletons by such belief!!

So then, my dear Yaw, if in the light of all that I have stated here, we do not have Christian clergymen who have understanding and wisdom regarding why Yahuwah Elohiym would create and cause all the facial hairs of a grown man to be grown on him, but live in ignorance of why they have them, how is anyone of them qualified to pronounce the blessings of Yahuwah Elohiym upon their followers; just as I sought to know by my article which attracted your attention and hence your comments??

If by the time a Christian can claim to be a leader chosen and anointed by his Maker he does not know he must keep the gift of facial hairs that are given to him by the Creator, how is he qualified in all this ignorance to be worthy or even to know how to pronounce holy blessings on his followers!!!

Dear Yaw, I will pause the discourse here and hope my response has helped make some things clear to you. But then, let's continue the conversation if you still have need for me to clarify any issues! Shalawam.

You may want to contact the author with your constructive comments via this email address: [email protected].
