Tue, 21 Nov 2023 Feature Article

A rocket race of Enlil's 'Sheep'

A rocket race of Enlils Sheep

Jesus came from a tribe originally known as “Ewes” (Jews in today’s parlance) and who were hybrids of white-skinned and dark-skinned peoples.

How did the Jews come about?
We’re all familiar with the Great Flood of Noah’s day, also called the Deluge, which engulfed much (not all) of the world. The flood was the Anunnaki strategy to extinct the human species. The Anunnaki, the gods of the Old Testament, had fashioned mankind about 300,000 years before with a view to use us as a slave species – to serve them in mining, farming, and construction in the main. This they did by fusing their own genes with those of a creature that was on its way to evolving into man 10 to 25 million years down the line. This creature was called Ape-Man, or Homo Erectus in evolutional nomenclature. This genetic engineering resulted in Homo Sapiens, or thinking (reasoning) man.

Now, the Anunnaki were aliens to this planet. They were not indigenous to it. They were from Nibiru, a Solar System planet seen only once in 3600 years. Nibiru itself was not an “indigenous” Solar System planet. It had strayed into the Solar System aeons ago. It was originally part of the Sirius star system. One of the stars in the Sirius star system, Sirius B, exploded as all stars ultimately do (though some do so prematurely) to become what is known as a white dwarf. In the process, one of its planets, Nibiru, was blasted off deep into the void of space. As it drifted along, it was eventually drawn into our Solar System by the powerful gravity of Neptune and thus became a permanent member, the 10th planet. Nibiru was inhabited by the Anunnaki, who are the ruling race of the Orion and Sirius star systems.

In time, mankind grew more clever and therefore more rebellious. Not only were humans difficult to tame but they became the source of a great deal of friction among the Anunnaki pantheon, which was led by Enlil, the principal Jehovah of the Bible, and his step-brother Enki, the Serpent of Genesis. Legally, Enlil was Earth’s Chief Executive but he was frequently defied by Enki, who thought on merit alone he deserved overall rulership of Earth. Not only was Enki older than Enlil but he was surpassingly brilliant. There was nothing, it was said, that he didn’t know. Furthermore, Enki came to Earth before Enlil, commissioned by his step-father Anu to set up a viable operating infrastructure for the Anunnaki. Above all, Enki was the son of the Queen of Orion, whereas Enlil was the son of Anu, the King of the Sirius star system. Although Anu and the Orion Queen had entered into ceremonial wedlock with a view to cementing peace between the two warring empires, the Orion Queen was senior cosmically in that females existed long before males came to be.

It was Enki who ensured mankind survived the Deluge. Exactly how?

Around 11,000 BC, Nibiru was scheduled to return to its perihelion, that is, the section of its orbital circuit that loops between Jupiter and Mars. The Anunnaki scientists had calculated that when the planet, which is said to be 4-8 times Earth’s size, approached this time around, it was going to trigger a global-wide flood as the ice sheet that capped the South Pole had become loose and Nibiru’s mighty gravitational effect was certain to tip it into the sea, giving rise to a tsunami of apocalyptic proportions. Enlil thought this was the best opportunity to get rid of the troublesome and therefore loathsome human race. Accordingly, the Anunnaki pantheon, comprising of 12 members of the Anunnaki royalty, met to deliberate on the matter. The consensus was that mankind should be allowed to perish in the foreseen cataclysm (GENESIS 6:6-7).

Not every member of the pantheon was pro such a decision though. Enki and his half-sister Ninmah were particularly revolted. Enki and Ninmah, along with the former’s genius son Ningishzidda, were the masterminds of the genetic engineering project that gave rise to Adam and Eve, the progenitors of mankind. Naturally, therefore, they had a very strong attachment to mankind. Enki for one never once referred to mankind as a slave race. He called us “a helper race” in the tasks of the Anunnaki. Enki had defied Enlil to enlighten Adam and Eve about their potential to be just like the Anunnaki were (GENESIS 2:5). He always had the best interests of mankind, literally his own creation, at heart. But it was a numbers game. Enki and Ninmah were out-voted in a ratio 10 is to 2. Mankind had to disappear from the face of the Earth in the coming deluge.

A gutted Enki immediately put his genius mind to work.

Once the decision to exterminate mankind was reached, Enlil gave the pantheon to understand that under no circumstances was mankind to know of the impending flood. This was a secret to be jealously guarded by the Anunnaki. In order to ensure the secret was cast in stone, Enlil had every member of the pantheon swear to its strict upholding. Although Enki took the oath too, he had other, renegade plans. As the Anunnaki’s greatest thinker, he could always find a loophole for the sake of his beloved mankind, which he indeed did. Through this loophole, he would ensure the survival of mankind. The agent of the survival was going to be none other than Noah.

Now, in the Bible, Noah is rather hurriedly introduced despite his iconic stature. Of his beginnings, Genesis only says that he was the son of Lamech. There is no background story of the circumstances of his birth. This omission is deliberate on the part of the Levites, the authors of Genesis and all of the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament. This is because not only were the circumstances of Noah scandalous but he was the seed of the very being the Levites called the Serpent. If you have demonised the Serpent, you don’t want your audience to know that this same Serpent is in fact the father of mankind.

The Levites wrote Genesis during their 70-year captivity (with the rest of the Jewish nation) in Babylon in the 6tH century BC. Much of the Genesis story was researched from the Sumerian cuneiform clay tablets, which abounded in Babylon. The Sumerian tablets detail the circumstances of Noah’s birth. In fact, one reason the apocryphal Book of Enoch was excluded from the biblical canon was because it revealed too much, including who the real father of Noah was. Noah’s real father was … Enki!

Unlike the comparatively self-restrained Enlil, Enki had always been a philanderer. According to Sumerian records, and indeed the Bible itself (GENESIS 4:1), it was Enki who promiscuously fathered Cain, the putative firstborn of Adam and Eve, when he committed adultery with the latter. And it was Enki who fathered Noah, when he committed adultery with Lamech’s wife Batanash (the Sumerian records chronicle that Lamech even complained about his “strange-looking son” [blue-eyed, blondish hair, and chalky-white skin like the ruling Anunnaki pantheon] to his father Methuselah).

In the English Bible, the term “God” uniformly applies to all members of the Anunnaki pantheon, though it mainly refers to Enlil. The Hebrew version of the Old Testament, however, uses specific titular terms, such as Elohim, Adonai, El Elyon, El Shaddai, Baal, etc. The Sumerian tablets are even more particular as they employ the more familiar names such as Enlil and Enki. The same tablets also carry precious more detail about biblical patriarchs like Enoch, Noah, and Abraham.

In the Sumerian tablets, Noah goes by the names Ziusudra and Atra-Hasis, both meaning somebody of a very wise pedigree, an echo of Enki, who was acknowledged by the Anunnaki as their greatest intellect ever. In Akkadian (the forerunner to the Hebrew language), Noah was called Utnapishtim, meaning one who preserved life, which he indeed did. The name Noah itself has connotations both of wisdom and serpent. It therefore must have been a mocking nickname associating Noah with Enki, the Serpent of Genesis.

The Sumerian tablets expressly describe Noah as the son of Enki and the wisest man of his day. The same Sumerian tablets say it was Enki and not Jehovah who tipped Noah about the impending flood and got him to construct a submersible craft, a kind of submarine, which the Bible simply calls the ark. Since members of the pantheon were not supposed to alert mankind to the coming flood, Enki put up a kind of screen and behind it dictated to Noah the details of the coming deluge. Enki’s post-flood justification when under trial before the pantheon was that he did not talk to Noah directly but simply meditated to himself aloud behind a screen. Noah therefore simply eavesdropped on him.

Noah duly proceeded to construct the submarine and when it was ready he packed his family in there and the DNA of all the animal species, not animals themselves as Genesis mistakenly suggests. There were some physical animals of course on the ark but these were for-food animals as well as beasts of burden to use once the flood had receded. Thus through his stratagem, which was effected through his bastard son Noah, Enki preserved mankind when Jehovah wanted us to perish once and for all. The irony is that it is Enki who we continue to call the Devil whilst Jehovah we respectfully address as “Our Lord God”. This Earth, My Brother …

When Noah entered the ark, he was with his wife, three sons, and three daughters-in-law, so the Bible says. The three sons were Japheth (meaning “the light-toned one”), Ham (meaning “the dark-hued one”), and Shem (meaning “the famed one”). The Bible seems to struggle to enunciate the order of the three. It is not crystal-clear who was the eldest among the three. The Genesis statements are so convoluted that any one of the three could be inferred as the youngest. As to who was the oldest, it is a toss-up between Shem and Japheth. All this confusion, however, would be needless had the Levites observed their own chronicling in GENESIS 5:32 that “When Noah was 500 years old, he begot Shem, Ham, and Japheth.”

Shem, Japheth, and Noah were born at the same time, not as triplets but through surrogate mothers. In other words, they were Test Tube babies, just like Adam and Eve were. Their wives could have come about the same way too. It explains why the Bible neither mentions the name of Noah’s wife nor those of his sons. Noah’s children were genetically engineered by Enki to be the three progenitors of the principal human races of the near-future in the wake of the flood. These were Negroids, Caucasians, and Semites. Since these are the races Enki wanted perpetuated after the deluge, he had Noah sire his three children via artificial means before the advent of the flood. The flood was not foreseen only a few years in advance: it was anticipated by at least a hundred years or so, well in time for the children to grow to mature adulthood. In any case, the Anunnaki knew full well the rate at which their own planet Nibiru streaked through its orbital circuit.

At the cessation of the flood, Enki was tossed from pillar to post by Enlil for divulging the imminence of the deluge to Noah and for preserving the human race though legally he did not do so. It was at this stage Enki owned up to the fact that Noah was actually his son. After almost coming to blows with Enki (Sumerian tablets say exactly that), Enlil was eventually pacified. Enki convinced him that the amount of work that was required to restore the Earth to viable usefulness would need the assistance of mankind so it was just as well that Noah and his family were spared. Although Enlil was wroth at first, he now could not help commend his step-brother’s amazing powers of foresight.

Before the flood, the Anunnaki were directly ruling Earth. Then post-flood, they decided to devolve direct rulership of the planet to the human race themselves, who they now decided to intellectually enhance by introducing civilisation in intervals of 3600 years, equivalent to one year on planet Nibiru. They themselves would simply be the superintending “gods”. The Earth was accordingly divided into four regions, metaphorically referred to as the Four Corners of the Earth. Says the Sumerian records of this development: “The Anunnaki who decree the fates sat exchanging their counsels regarding the Earth; the four regions they created.”

The four regions were Africa (which at the time included the Arabian Peninsula), Indo-Europe (Indian sub-continent, Europe, and central Asia), the Middle East, and Tilmun. The first three regions were allotted thus: Indo-Europe to the tribe of Japheth, Africa to the tribe of Ham, and the Middle East to the tribe of Shem. In other words, Africa was given to Enki’s subjects whilst Indo-Europe and the Middle East where given to Enlil’s subjects. Tilmun, however, was retained by the Anunnaki themselves and for a special reason. Tilmun means “land of the missiles”. Tilmun, best known today as the Sinai Peninsula, not only harboured a missile base but was also the site of a spaceport, where interplanetary and inter-galactic flights took place, particularly to and from Mars, Nibiru, the moon, and the Sirius and Orion star systems.

Since Tilmun was such a strategic place, the Anunnaki pantheon decided to vest authority over it not to Enkites or Enlilites, the two adversarial Anunnaki clans, but to Ninmah, the half-sister to Enki and Enlil. Ninmah was regarded neutral not because she was a lady but because she had a son with Enlil and about six daughters with Enki (the Anunnaki were an incestuous race who permitted marriage or consensual sexual relations with sisters, aunties, in-laws, and even daughters). In practice, however, it was the Enlilites who controlled Tilmun, together with Jerusalem, which was the mission control centre. The commander for Tilmun and mission control centre was Utu-Shamash, the grandson of Enlil. Indeed the Enlilites, particularly Ninurta (Enlil’s son with Ninmah), Shamash, and his sister Inanna-Ishtar were the Anunnaki’s ace aerial fighters and astronauts. And the Sinai Desert is actually named after Nannar-Sin, the second-born son of Enlil and father to Shamash.

If a single one nation of mankind could live within the vicinities of both the spaceport and mission control centre, that had to be the one that was dearest to Enlil and his clan. This was the tribe of Shem. The original meaning of Shem in the Sumerian language was “rocket”. Shemites (or Semites as per the traditional pronunciation) were thus chosen by Enlil primarily as protectors of the Anunnaki spaceport and mission control centre, controlled as they were by the Enlilites. When the Jews therefore call themselves “God’s chosen people”, it is not a far-fetched claim.

The main strand of Semites would over time come to be known as Jews (Ewes, or sheep), Hebrews (nation of the beings [the Anunnaki] of the Planet of the Crossing [one meaning of Nibiru]), or Israelites (Protectors of El, that is, El Elyon, a title of Nannar-Sin, who at some stage became the superintending Enlilite after Enlil decided to concentrate on matters of Nibiru). It was through the conjoined line of Shem (Semites) and Ham (Hamites, or to be specific Canaanites, the descendants of Ham’s fourth-born son Canaan) that Jesus arose.

Give thanks to MaTseba.
Edward Mitole, PhD
Founder & Chair
The African Renaissance Project

Edward Mitole, PhD
Edward Mitole, PhD, © 2023

Dr Edward Mitole, Professor of Development Studies at the University of the State of the African Diaspora (USOAD) and Founder & Chair of the African Renaissance Project (ARP). More Edward Mitole is the most powerful proponent of the African Liberation Movement today, as well as the foremost black political thinker of our time. He is a speaker, activist, theoretician and organizer of campaigns such as “The Curriculum Must Fall” and "Africa Unite".

Following in the footsteps of previous black leaders such as Marcus Garvey, Kwame Nkrumah, Mangaliso Sobukwe, Patrice Lumumba and Malcolm X, Edward Mitole points to a positive future for the African Continent through the slogan made famous by the Garvey Movement of the 1920s, “Africa for Africans, at home and abroad.” He sends a bold message, calling on African people worldwide to unite their homeland, liberate their people and dispense with colonial borders that continue to divide and oppress.
Column: Edward Mitole, PhD

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Tony | 5/12/2024 1:14:37 AM

I stumbled upon your website when I was searching for if sheep came from Nibiru. I believe the ancient Samarian tablets to be our true history. I didn't know how Nibiru ended up in our solar system exactly but I believe it collided with a planet that created the Kuiper Belt. I just got back from Ghana in February visiting for my first time. I wanted to see where I was from. It was sad to see all of the Ghanaians worshiping white Jesus. Thank you for your website. I wish that all of Africa ...

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