07.01.2023 Feature Article

There is racism everywhere

There is racism everywhere
07.01.2023 LISTEN

"If now a white man would come to rent, I would charge him double," said a landlady in 2013 to my Ghanaian wife Alberta when she inspected a three-bedroom house in Greda Estate. We did not rent!

"You have cheated on me. You did not tell me that you are together with a white man," shouted a Taxi driver in 2004 at my ex-wife a Luo from Kisumu when he was supposed to take us back from the German Embassy to Nairobi City Center. We had to pay him a double fare. The uncles of her, twins, had mastered the plan to rob me of all my belongings upon my arrival, my first time ever to be in Africa, but did not succeed.

Hiding behind bushes or kiosks for taxi drivers not overcharging but letting my wife negotiate is a sad reality and norm. Not shopping at the open market is what my wife commands me to do in Africa strict on our budget is sad but in reality and the norm. In Germany, I have never seen a black man hiding behind bushes or not going to open markets where prices are equal for all.

Nick English, a Nigerian friend of mine in Bremen, Germany:" Karl, relax! When I go to my country, I will be charged double as my people can smell where I come from."

My experience is that Africans see my skin color first, assuming white people all have much money and can be treated accordingly while several white people are also poor.

White critics argue black racism against whites does not exist. Checking their background, it becomes obvious they never lived in Africa but argue from the comfort of their rocking chair in Germany. Other white critics argue there is racism against white people, but the number of incidents is so small that this cannot be the basis for claiming that there is racism in Africa against whites. Checking their background shows they have never been to Africa. At the same time, Maths should help us to understand reality: How many black people live in the world of the white man and how many white people live in the territory of the black man, and based on the figures how many incidents can occur? Do white people in Africa speak out or fear serious repercussions?

2020, Stadtteilschule Berne, Hamburg, Germany I addressed a black girl, 13 years, in Twi. She did not react. So, I said: "Me as a white man I find it always funny that I lecture people like you with your background something about your parent's country of Ghana." Later the same day I was fired had lost my teaching position. The girl had complained to the headteacher about my words and claimed I am a racist. Unlike a killer before the court, I was not given the chance to state my side of the story but got my judgment on the spot. One week passed the school called to say sorry for overreacting and asked me to come back, already too late. At the school, I lecture now in each class I see a minimum of one blackface, and we crack jokes about our racial differences. We have great fun together and they love to hear about my connection with Africa.

2016, in South Africa, brutal scenes of Xenophobia, racism against blacks by blacks hit the media houses of Africa. Nigerian President Buhari evacuated via a charted flight about 200 of his people, other Africans fled home to Ghana, Zambia, Ethiopia, Mosambik, Zimbabwe, etc.

Aminata Toure, 30 years, Minister for Social Affairs in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein is black the daughter of African Migrants. UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunack is from India. Except in South Africa is this possible in any other African country? Do Africans fear corruption and ineffective governance could be exposed from within?

The naked truth is never popular in any society but the beauty it carries is that it stands strong and forever in its time unlike the paint used to cover it up that crack when light hits it.

(sorry Prince Harry to mention that)
