
The Political Revenge Of A Furious God Against Akufo Addo’s Government

Feature Article The Political Revenge Of A Furious God Against Akufo Addos Government

Why must I inquire as to whether God can become enraged? There has never been a democratic government in Ghana that has experienced the condition of circumstances that are currently playing out in that country's politics under the leadership of the NPP or Nana Akufo Addo. Ghana is similar to the novel by the great Nigerian author Chinua Achebe in that things are falling apart and the center can no longer support anything. If the Bible describes God's wrath, I must infer that Ghana is the location of God's wrath.

There is nothing wrong with a man having political ambitions, but how that goal is realized is what matters most. Will you tell lies to obtain your goals? Will you unjustly accuse someone to further your goals and objectives? Will you deceive the populace solely for the sake of gaining power? Have you broken your pledge to God to honestly serve the people? In the way that someone constructs their route, the beginning justifies the end.

People take things for granted, and because they have power, they cultivate seeds of dissatisfaction, tell lies, and say many negative things about other people. You'll gain the authority you sought, but if you don't live up to the pledge you made to the Bible before accepting the position, everything bad you did, every lie you said, and every unfulfilled promise you made will haunt you along the way of your reign. Akufo Addo didn't genuinely carve a road to the presidency.


"There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, as well as a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies." This biblical verse which can be found in Proverbs 6:16-19 reflects on the typical character of Akufo Addo, yes that's what he is.

Politics and religion are completely unrelated, but they are also inextricably linked. The Bible was used by Nana Akufo Addo, the president of Ghana, to take the oath of office. Before taking office, Chief Justice Kwasi Anin-Yeboah takes the oath with the Bible. Before taking office, the vice president of Ghana likely did the same with the Koran. The head of the Electoral Commission, Jean Mensa, followed suit, and then Ken Ofori-Atta, the finance minister, took the oath as well before taking office.

The issue at hand is how truthful these individuals who took the oath in front of the Holy Bible and God have been. Did Akufo Addo, the president, Jean Mensa, the head of the Electoral Commission, Mahammudu Bawumia, Kwasi Anin-Yeboah, the Chief Justice, Ken Ofori-Atta, the Finance Minister, and other politicians make fun of God?

There are various ways people make fun of God, including through their actions and words. In Proverbs 22:8 he writes, "He who sows iniquity will reap vanity," showing that it is wiser to "Sow with an eye to righteousness." The sowing and reaping principle is prevalent throughout Scripture.

The many negative things Akufo Addo and Bawumia said about Mahama when they were vying for power are known to Ghanaians. Politics, which is regarded as a dirty game, could be the cause, but a man will reap what he sows. The manipulation of people's emotions is utterly unacceptable. In addition to destroying Mahama in the eyes of Ghanaians due to his intelligence, Akufo Addo also made several unfulfilled promises, such as decreasing taxes and combating corruption.

Don't try to convince me that Akufo Addo is not in pain. The president is reaping the benefits of any mischief he instigated against Mahama in his quest for leadership. As I previously stated, there is nothing wrong with having ambitions, but how you plow your path is important. Akufo Addo has done the worst, in addition to what he alleged and accused Mahama of doing. A nation with such vast riches wouldn't be in such a mess if Ghana had been governed honestly and effectively.

Nothing is amazing about Ghana now, thus no Ghanaian, whether educated or illiterate, can be told that this government is great at making Ghana a better nation. The majority only sees bloodshed, unseen hardships, governmental failure, high crime and corruption rates, unemployment, the prospect of starvation, and an enormous national debt with no one held responsible.

Many people, including NPP politicians and fans, have lost interest and confidence in Akufo Addo as a result of the many unfavorable things he said about the NDC government and its leader, John Mahama. It is not an exaggeration to say that Akufo Addo is the worst president in the country's political history. His lies and deceptions in the pursuit of power have come back to haunt him because the all-powerful God he tricked on the day of his inauguration by using the bible is very unhappy with him.

The hardships and pervasive corruption that has damaged every aspect of Ghana's infrastructure and had an influence on the lives of ordinary Ghanaians are only the tip of the iceberg, which many people are not ready to hear. More difficulties will befall Ghana; the country's economy will be severely impacted more than we are already seeing, and this will be followed by a severely depreciated currency, criminality, and a high unemployment rate. You can choose to believe this article or ignore it because I have already written about everything that is happening right now.
