Mon, 28 Sep 2020 Politics

Election 2020: Gov’t Using Togolanders To Create Insecurity In Volta To Justify Military Deployment – Ntoso

  Mon, 28 Sep 2020
Krachi West MP Helen NtosoKrachi West MP Helen Ntoso

Krachi West MP Helen Ntoso has accused the ruling NPP government of deliberately using the Western Togoland secessionist group to create insecurity in the Volta Region so as to justify deployment of troops to the opposition stronghold in the lead-up to the 7 December polls to intimidate supporters of the biggest opposition party from voting.

“The Volta Region is the World Bank of the NDC, so, if things of this nature are going on, then it means the government wants certain things to happen in the region to use it as a justification to say there is no peace in the Volta Region and deploy military personnel there to put fear in the locals so as not to turn up to vote in the 7 December polls just as they did during the voter registration exercise”, she alleged in an interview with Kwabena Prah Jr on Accra100.5FM’s morning show Ghana Yensom.

The former Volta Regional Minister is not the first person to raise such suspicions about Friday’s attempt by the Togolanders to take over the region by blocking all entry and exit points, taking over two police stations, taking officers hostage and stealing weapons from the armouries, as part of their push for independence.

Her colleague MP for South Tongu, Mr Kobina Mensah Woyome, claimed one of the secessionists told him on the phone that they had the support of Volta Regional Minister Dr Archibald Letsa.

Mr Woyome said he had called the Tongu divisional police commander's phone, who had apparently been taken hostage by the militants, and one of them answered it and said the regional minister was their patron.

Speaking in an interview with Class News’ Volta regional correspondent Albert Kuzor, Mr Woyome said: “What is happening now, looking at the scheme in which it has occurred, the coordinated nature of the whole activity here, Mepe, Atimpoku, I hear Afiefe and several other places at a go, at the same time, and the attacks on the police in this manner, it baffles me a bit.

“I don’t think the security will go to sleep and just relax and not be able to be on top and ahead of anything like this.

“Because, the way it happened, it means they might have sat, planned or deliberately, people who ought to act, didn’t act; people who must be acting and preventing them from happening simply just didn’t want to do and, so, for big names to be coming up like this, whether true or not true, which calls for some investigation anyway, it leaves so much to be desired and too many question marks.”

The South Tongu MP condemned the action of the group and the people behind its actions.

“Does it have some political undertone? Is it because the hearsay is that this is the stronghold of the opposition party and, so, let’s cause some confusion and disaffection so, maybe, people don’t go to the polls? Is that the plan? It’s just unfortunate”, Mr Woyome said.

“Now, people are hurt, but I’m aware that even a woman was shot at and, so, they’ve picked up her belongings including her ID card to chase her to the hospital to go and look out for her and see how she’s faring.

“You can see bloodstains on the ground and all that; that for me is uncalled for, it must not be happening.

“We’re in a country that I know that we have a very good security system in place but unfortunately, the way it’s going, it’s leaving too many question marks on our minds. The government must sit up,” he noted.

Mr Woyome further called for investigations into the matter.

“Should we say that we cannot trust in our security system anymore? That we should be here and somebody comes to attack us and goes free without picking intelligence and preventing it from happening. It leaves too many questions unanswered on our minds and I think that is a serious matter, it’s not like the group is not known…”

“There are better ways to go about this thing, not necessarily the blocking of roads, even if you should block the roads, I don’t think you should go to the extent of attacking police stations to the extent of shooting law enforcement agents, and then hurting them, and as a result, being attacked in response”.

“All these things are needless, we need to get into this matter”, he said.

