Mon, 14 Mar 2022 General News

Fire guts Reggie Rockstone's Django Bar

Fire guts Reggie Rockstone's Django Bar

The timely intervention of the Ghana National Fire Service saved a near-fire disaster at the popular Django Bar on Sunday, March 13, 2022.

According to reports, the fire gutted the roof of the bar in the wee hours of yesterday while the memorial service of the late DJ Rab Bakari was ongoing.

Confirming the story, the owner of the bar, Hiplife grandpapa Reggie Rockstone stated that but for the swift intervention of the Ghana National Fire Service, and some people present, the fire could have developed into a ghastly one.

He indicated that the roofs were razed by the fire.

He added that technical hands were fixing some patches in the ceiling, putting everything under control.

The bar, according to Reggie Rockstone is still in operation.

Fortunately, there were no casualties.

Ghanaian soul singer Efya Nocturnal took to her Twitter page to announce the unfortunate incident.

“My God!!! Not Rockstone’s place on fire!! wow!!!” she tweeted.

Kumah Prince Michael
Kumah Prince Michael

Entertainment, Lifestyles and News ReporterPage: KumahPrinceMichael
