
Barima Sidney, A-Plus Fight…Over Chop-Chop Allegation

By Daily Guide
Exclusive News Barima Sidney, A-Plus FightOver Chop-Chop Allegation

Two of Ghana's popular satirists, Barima Sidney and Kwame A-Plus, are at each other's throats and trading offensive swear-words in a public brawl that is growing nasty by the hour.

Explaining the beef to NEWS-ONE , Barima Sidney threatened to expose A-Plus if the latter does not stop using swear-words against him on his facebook wall.

'A-Plus should not push me to the wall else I would expose him. He knows me very well and he knows I know him inside-out; so the way he is going about his things and insulting me, I would say something he does not want people to know.  I am only restraining myself because of the respect I have for the industry people asking me to ignore him,' Sidney said.

The misunderstanding between the two started after Sidney was reported to have said A-Plus had received money from some 'big men' to invest in his business and had therefore become relatively less critical of the government.

Sidney neither disclosed the identity of the 'big men' he was referring to nor mentioned the amount he alleged A-Plus had received.

A-Plus did not take this kindly and, in response, took to his facebook wall to reply Sidney.

'Barima Sydney I hope you don't get angry by this piece of advice. Please, please, pleeeeaaase!!! When you sleep and wake up make sure you SHIT before you grant interviews. If you don't SH*T before you grant interviews it's highly possible you'll talk shit. I don't have time for nonsense,' A-Plus wrote on his wall.

Sidney also took to his facebook wall to reply A-Plus: 'Kwame! Of course you do have time for nonsense…else u wouldn't have written this piece of shhhh…'

The musician complained further when NEWS-ONE caught up with him, 'I think some people are not happy I am critical of John Mahama. We started this campaign together but some of the guys have become cold and when we talk, they rather insult us and try to tag us with one political party or another.

'I am critical of governments who are not doing well but not of political parties per say. I remember when I released 'Africa Money', by then the NDC was happy because President Kufuor was in power and they used the song to bash the NPP without even contacting me or giving me a dime.

'Today when I do songs that speak against bad governance or expose corruption, under an NDC government, some people want to tag me with a party. I am above such petty tags,' Sidney noted.

The musician will be leaving Ghana on Thursday for Europe to perform at the Ghana Independence Anniversary Concert to be held in the UK.
