
The Mothering Of Mothers

Today we are celebrating mothering mothers
Those who have been handkerchiefs.
Women who double as fathers
In wiping away our grievous griefs

Today we are celebrating women of compassion
Those who sacrifice all they have for our well-being
Those who in rain and shine work with passion
Those who, while erasing tears have their tears unseen

Today, we are celebrating single parents of brevity
Those whose husbands vanished like unseen spirits at pregnancy
And had to suffer all hardship and insecurity
To make rejected kids great testimony

Today we are celebrating women who have made men
And those who instead of appreciation has received frustrations,
Not one, not two, but more than ten
To you, I give you my words of appreciation.

To the mothers who have been imprisoned by disappointments
Who instead of enjoying the fruits of childbirth
Have rather received neglects and regrets
To you, I wish you Mother’s Day of good health.

To the mothers who in spite of their labour has seen only pain
Those who are metaphors of unhappiness
You are the reason for this month of rain
May God cure your loneliness.

To the mothers whose marriages
Despite all the commitments you have injected for years
Have turn out to be as uninspiring as WASSCE comprehension passages
To you, I say, cry no more, may God dry your tears.

Happy Mothers Day Mothering Mothers
May peace, long life and good health be your banners.

Shadrack Oteng (Poet-Shaddy)

Author: Shadrack Oteng

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