
Africa; The Ravaging Land

Ah this land
This scatterbrained land
For two and half millennia
Most unlucky in its rulers;
This continent
This father of sciences
For two and half thousand years
Wallowing in a murk of magic,
Like an eagle
Shot in soaring flight across the skies
Which dropped, wings cracked
Into the lightless ooze
Of a mangrove ravine,
And is forever unable to scramble up;
Oh, unlucky land

Beasts roam free on the land
As the thunder roars
The land is full of evil
Bad people bent on looting
And greatest shame is upon the land,
That free people are living in bondage
Marauding wolves roam restlessly,
Through defenceless kraals,
With their eyes on the unmined substances

Africa is dying on her feet
Corruption and moral degradation reign over the land
Look at the nations of Africa,
Exporting food,
While children are starving to death
Black people looting their own wealth,
Along with foreigners and their multinationals

Great nations are tottering on their foundations
Cultures are dying shamelessly in broad daylight
While black men shamelessly exploit their own blood
Generations of lost Africans anguish
They have turned their souls to the devil
In exchange for the trappings of his civilization

The raiding white parties are now numerous,
More ruthless than ever before
Where formerly they had shot village warriors
Now they massacre whole people,
With their civilization
Where formerly they had stolen gold and slaves,
Now they put a whole people into slavery,
In their own land
Make them die in their own mines for meagre wages
And ship natural resources of a whole land
To fatten their own kith and kin

They use our own people
To suppress our own people
And to enslave the land
Our chiefs are no longer our kinsmen
But have become brothers to white vultures
In pursuit of wealth and power

Africa, the Promised Land,
Is a dormant land
Unawakened to the anguish,
Of her wandering children
The day when the motherland will awaken,
To herself on the hearth-rug of the world
Rise to her rightful place on the planet
Shake off the vermin and the blood suckers
And opening her bosom to all her prodigal sons
And say,
Come my Children
Come and take your place again

You sons and daughters of our race
Rise up like the great warriors of old Africa
Who died resisting the white civilization
You great women, who bear the race,
Hold your heads up with pride
For you are descendants,
Of a once proud and generous race
Let us pull the Cow out of the mud
Or sink with it
And be devoured by the waiting Crocodiles

By Paul Worlanyo Adanu

Paul Worlanyo Adanu
NUGS Coordinating Secretary

Author: Paul Worlanyo Adanu


Millicent | 8/14/2015 6:16:55 PM

such amazing one (mmm)

Emmanuel | 9/18/2015 5:54:25 PM

Aooo mama Africa when will your tears be wiped away its so sad and very shameful for we Africans and wicked leaders

hamdiya | 10/30/2015 12:03:09 PM

mama africa why are you crying so bitterly, stop, stop ,stop crying for we are the best future leaders.


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