24.03.2019 Feature Article

Africa’s Progress Over The Past 20 Years

Abundant fruits mean an affordable marketAbundant fruits mean an affordable market
24.03.2019 LISTEN

Despite the diverse problems many Africans face, the continent's rich resources have played a significant role in developing Europe and the United States of America.

Surprisingly, the foreign media never give Africa the recognition and respect it deserves.

Answering the question of whether he wanted immigrants, mostly from Norway, to come to the US, the American leader, Donald Trump, told reporters at the White House that he wants migrants to come from everywhere to the United States.

Since many Americans and the media don’t like Donald Trump, after the interview the media revealed that Donald Trump called migrants who come to the US from Africa, as well as from Haiti and El Salvador, as "shitholes."

Shortly after Donald Trump’s derogatory comments against Africa; the American media which often never publish any good article about Africa came out with the publications below.

  • The American press wrote about African countries how much progress they had made in areas such as health, economics, and politics over the past few decades.

  • Over the past 35 years, the infant mortality rate in Africa has declined largely due to more affordable medical care.

  • Children live longer, and with it, their educational opportunities grow. In 2010, many more children have the opportunity to attend school than 60 years before.

  • More and more people are becoming literate and able to read. Compared to previous generations, some countries have increased the literacy rate from less than 10% to almost 100%.

  • Democratic values are becoming more common in many African countries. Today there are 10 countries on the continent that are considered completely free, according to Brookings.

  • Over the past 20 years, the level of poverty in the region has significantly decreased: In the early 1990s, the level of poverty in the region exceeded 50%, then by 2013, it was reduced to 40%.

  • One of the greatest successes in the field of health has been the reduction in the death rate from malaria. Over the past 15 years, charitable work and preventive measures have reduced caused the rate.

  • Perhaps one of the most incredible successes of African countries was the eradication of smallpox. The last country to cope with this disease became Somalia, which eradicated smallpox in 1977.

  • Reducing chronic hunger has also become one of the victories, but this problem is still relevant on the continent.

  • Half of the population in many countries suffers from malnutrition. Solving this problem can lead to solving many other problems in the long run.

Why did the American media failed to publish all these facts about Africa and waited until Donald Trump insulted Africans before they tried to convince that they love or care about the continent?

It’s pure hypocrisy if the American media pretends they care about Africa to publish such article because they hate Donald Trump, after all, they are the same media publishing that Ebola is spread by bats while it’s a biological weapon by the US government.

African leaders beware of the US government if you want the African continent to be successful.
