07.08.2018 Feature Article

WordDigest: O Lord Vindicate Us

WordDigest: O Lord Vindicate Us
07.08.2018 LISTEN

"For the Lord will vindicate his people and have compassion on his servants"

[Psalms 135:14]
For the Lord to clear his people from any sort of accusation, then He knows his people.

His people might have pleased Him in one way or two.

David was accused some many times.
But God vindicated Him.
Can you imagine people's perception concerning your life?

You will be taken aback.
Whatever the situation, pray to God to vindicate you and don't forget His compassion too.

Have faith in God through Christ Jesus.
God bless you.
O Lord, vindicate us from any trouble in Jesus' name, Amen.

✍Pastor Ebenezer Zor
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