I watched the vetting of Dr Ziblim Iddi, Minister-designate for Tourism and Creative Arts, on the 3rd of April, 2017 by Parliament's Appointment Committee. There was no doubt at all that Dr Ziblim did enough research and got substantial literature to face the committee. That he did well at the vetting, is not debatable.
My particular issue on this occasion was a question Alhassan Suhuyini asked about Dr Ziblim's role as a Spokesperson for the Abudu Royal gate of Dagbon. He tried to smuggle tourism into the question to make it relevant. As an indigene of Dagbon, I feel that the question was not only irrelevant but also balderdash. It was yet another example of how Dagombas are trigger happy washing our dirty linen in public.
There are more conflicts in other Regions than even the Northern Region.
In Accra where Parliament is located and where Suhuyini asked that bogus question, there are three people claiming to be Ga Mantses yet no Minister designate from Accra is asked a question about the Chieftaincy crisis in Accra by the Gas on the Appointments Committee. Why can't our Dagomba MPs take a cue from this? Why didn't Suhuyini ask a question about the "Adibo" Battle and how Adibo could be made a tourist destination to generate money at least for the socio-economic development of the area?
Dear readers, did you notice that Suhuyini did not ask a single question on tourism and creative arts in Dagbon?
The Dagombas on the Appointments Committee should not see it as an opportunity to get at other Dagombas appearing before them.
We can not continue to ask questions that will divide Dagbon more than unite us.
I have always said it and I am repeating that Abudu is not a tribe neither is Andani. We are all Dagombas. We either sink or swim together.
We are privileged to see our respected Chiefs and Opinion leaders come to Parliament to support appointees. This is an excellent opportunity to appeal to them to work to bring lasting peace to Dagbon but not what another Dagomba did now or in the past.
If we have suggestions to make about peace in Dagbon, let's direct such suggestions to the various Houses of Chiefs and other bodies.
This populism with the Dagbon conflict in Parliament by Dagombas must stop and now. We can't have eternity to continue to score cheap and populist points from our crisis.
Alhassan Suhuyini, you underperformed in Parliament today. Don't you care about tourism and creative arts in Tamale North and Dagbon? I leave it to you.
By Akilu Sayibu
Tamale North