
5 Success Lessons We Can Learn From Donald Trump's Us Presidential Election Victory

Feature Article Donald Trump
Donald Trump

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Dedication – To Samuel Quansah, my good friend in UCC and a big fan of Donald Trump.

I am one of the happiest folks on planet Earth at the moment. You probably know why, don't you? Alright, Donald J. Trump, one of my topmost role models in the world, is now the president-elect of USA. Mr. Trump, as the Republican presidential candidate, beat his archrival Hillary Clinton with a 276 electoral college votes against Hillary's 218 electoral college votes. The 2016 US presidential election was a fierce competition between Trump, a so called racist and Clinton, an acclaimed feminist. Interestingly, I always knew that Donald Trump would win the election; I never doubted if for a second. Therefore, let me congratulate him on his frightening electoral victory.

Moreover, let me reveal a few things about my affinity for the Trump brand. I really, really, really love the Donald. He even deserves four or five really's! Firstly, I love him as a bestselling author; secondly, I love him as a successful entrepreneur; thirdly, I love him as an outlandish politician. In fact, I have unconsciously emulated certain personality traits of Donald Trump. I usually hype my persona and business in my writings, I am fond of blunt and controversial assertions etc. I learnt these from the Real Donald Trump, the great man I look up to in writing and entrepreneurship.

Here are the 5 success lessons we can learn from Donald Trump's US presidential election victory.

(1) It pays to be a maverick:
Who is a maverick? A maverick is an unorthodox and independent-minded person. And of course, Trump is simply a maverick. His main opponent, Mrs. Clinton, was just trying to comply with the conventions. As an orthodox politician, she campaigned in ways that pleased the American people. However, Trump was so unconventional; he gave freakish yet drastic and pragmatic opinions on delicate national issues. The vast majority of Americans knew in their hearts that his blunt remarks were actually painful truths, and they apparently perceived him as an entirely different politician. No wonder he eventually emerged victorious.

(2) Without balls or guts, you are powerless:
Show me any truly mighty person in world history who had no or even less balls or guts, and I will abruptly retire from my writing profession. Donald Trump has got incredible balls or guts, no doubt about it. The American and global media were largely against him, and many people around the world opposed his presidential candidacy. The fact that he had not held any political position could be a great demotivating factor to him. But he was crazily courageous to believe he would definitely win the election, which he just did, in spite of troubles to the dismay of most people.

(3) Let your detractors be your biggest motivation and not threat:

Donald Trump is obviously one of the world renowned personalities with a large chunk of detractors. A multitude of people – especially Blacks, Latinos, Muslims and women – defamed him with sheer hatred, claiming that he is a racist to the bone. He however reacted to the bad publicity about him in a satirical and sometimes angry manner. Most importantly, he allowed the insulting noise of his haters, critics, enemies and detractors to inspire him as he pressed ahead with his presidential ambition. Above all, he feared not his detractors, so he kept on annoying them, directly and indirectly.

(4) Forget the rules; your game plan matters most:
Concerning every dream that you have, you will be faced with rules which dominate that arena. However, you have only two options to choose from: follow the rules, or break the rules. You also have to understand that the rules are really influential in that field, yet they are about 10% of what it takes to succeed in that area. The remaining 90% is all about your own game plan. Surprisingly, political analysts and even ordinary folks predicted that the Real Donald Trump would be defeated. They believed he would lose since he was seen as a crackpot, too old, and an inexperienced politician. Besides, Trump had a rare plan of action which was undermined by many people.

(5) Exude optimism:
Donald Trump won the US presidential election due to the preceding lessons explained, but a key reason why he emerged triumphant is his extreme optimism. He was more than hopeful; he was really optimistic. I believe optimism is greater than hope. Optimism is mere hope for success with unbelievable certainty. If I as a fan was so optimistic that Trump would win, I knew that the man himself was overwhelmingly optimistic. Nothing could convince the Donald that he would lose. Yes, he had optimism of massive proportions. That is a cardinal factor in his electoral success.

