
Fourteen Years Since 9/11 – What We Have Learnt

Feature Article Fourteen Years Since 911 – What We Have Learnt
SEP 12, 2015 LISTEN

The world was stunned. America was in the uncomfortable fix of counting her tragic losses. For nearly all American citizens, September 11, 2001 will remain one of the most indelible memories in their collective psyche – the world has equally had their share of grief.

It has gone down as one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in world history – not only because the series of coordinated attacks targeted symbolic landmarks in the United States of America, but also because of the devastation to human lives with figures of deaths reaching in excess of 2,900.

More than 90 countries lost citizens in the attacks, including the United Kingdom , Dominican Republic, India and many others.

The day which has since gone on to be described as the darkest day in America; saw four passenger airlines hijacked by supposed Al-Qaeda terrorists and slammed into sensitive buildings including a 47-storey World Trade Center tower and the Pentagon (the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense).

Photograph of some sensitive American installations during the explosion
Credit : Reuters

Shockwaves were sent across the world – and America was literally brought to its knees with destruction from the attack estimated at some $10 billion in property and infrastructural damage.

For the thousands of human lives lost – it was pricelessly unquantifiable.

The entire America and indeed the world began to mourn the cruel events of September 11, 2001, with the first memorials to the victims having begun to take shape online, as hundreds of webmasters posted their own thoughts, links to the Red Cross, and other rescue agencies, photos and eyewitness accounts.

Soon after the attacks, efforts were made throughout the United States and across the world to remember the victims, offer expressions of solidarity and tribute, and document the impact of this unpleasantly historic event.

The communal gathering and shared commitment of American citizens and other nationals were central to each of these efforts, whether in collective tribute projects, or individual solidarity endeavours.

Every year since 2001, the world joins America to mark this day – and reassure themselves that never again should such devastation be visited on any country.

Already, it has been fourteen years since the events of September 11, and the world unites once again to solidarize with the entire US and its citizens to remember the scores of people who lost their lives on that day.

Debris of the wreckage after 9/11 in the US

Credit : Reuters

However heartbreaking the events of September 11 have been, very instructive lessons have been learnt by countries and individuals.

For us in Ghana, it is no different a story. We have learnt a thing or two, probably more from the 9/11 and whether intrinsically or otherwise, our lives as a people have never remained the same.

It is true that Ghana for the most parts has been spared the hints of terrorism. It is also true that we remain largely a hospitable nation of very accommodating people.

These notwithstanding, the deadlier option which is to sit down and kid ourselves as being a country which cannot be brought to its knees by acts of terrorism and other related vices for religious reasons makes no sense.

In all of this, the simple truths remain, that;
Terrorism is a fact of life and is here to stay, but we cannot let terrorists win by hiding and altering our lives as a result of fear generated by these attacks.

Instead, our lives should be modeled and shaped by lessons picked up from the events of 9/11 while the respective security and intelligence agencies in the country be armed with the requisite accoutrements to repel any forms of attack.

There is much disagreement about whether air travel is safer now than before 9/11 – but the cooperative will of countries to ensure safety structures are put in place at air strips and airports has been significantly strengthened.

It can be said that countries across board are significantly tougher on travel safety at their ports owing to this - and that is a good sign.

A great lesson learnt is certainly how to be assertive as a people to speak up upon suspicion of perceived wrong-doing by others. For in a community and country that is fraught with all sorts of dastardly acts like terrorism, little to no growth can be recorded.

Americans' ability to come together and pull through the events of 9/11 remains truly heartwarming and exemplary for other countries including Ghana to emulate – that tragedy would come, but there always has to be progression despite the odds.

The need to be tolerant and respect one another regardless the race, creed, or political disposition of the fellow could be drawn from this case, and a certain reaffirmation of the need to see ourselves as a common people will go a long way.

As we join the rest of the world to mark 14 years since the multiple coordinated terrorist attacks in the US, may we be guided by the basic principle of humanity, which entreats us to love one and another.

May we be renewed in our resolve as a country, continent, and a united world, to fight terrorism to its finest core.

May we also be reminded of the obligations we owe it to the memories of the over 2,900 people who perished in that attack, to ensure that acts of terrorism are not commonplace in our world.

And may we finally say, NEVER AGAIN should this happen!

Writer's email address: [email protected]

Twitter : @kingsley_komla
