23.08.2011 Feature Article


Philemon Laar a.k.a. 'Enkasa', SRC President,KNUST - 20112012Philemon Laar a.k.a. 'Enkasa', SRC President,KNUST - 2011/2012
23.08.2011 LISTEN

Like an annual mundane practice, the keys of the Yutong bus with number plate 'STUDENTS'and passengers as KNUST students is handed over to a new crop of persons to chauffer it to a desired destination, i.e. fulfillment of campaign promises.

Sadly, with the start of an academic year long of leadership (journey), one begins to notice histrionic signs of recklessness and deliberate running of the Yutong bus into 'well holes' contrary to trust, prudence and a promise of carte blanche to students in academic excellence. Such only makes one to wonder if the Yutong bus driver (leaders) have so soon developed amnesia as they head directly opposite in defiance to the very principles they once by tooth and nail defended. Coming events they say cast their shadow.

As defense to their shortfalls, reference is desperately made to variation of assumption to reality and the fact that very little can be done to muscle management to be in tune with their mantra of moderation.

Ironically, these propagandists overlook the fact that there has been persons of similar capacity before them; who lived up to the challenge of amnesia bringing afore their virtues.

Contrary to the basic facts of reality and common sense, although students are distinctively surcharged a fee for the upkeep of the campus library, books at the library have for over a decade remained old fashioned whilst visible signs of progress at the facility as well have remained stunt. Notwithstanding, the SRC without questions succumbed to the upward review or sustenance of such charges.

Again, although the SRC Development fund as charged students is purportedly purposed for the progressive construction of the 'forever stand still' SRC hostel, charge per admission into the SRC hostel remains relatively high than the average student can afford. Furthermore, the SRC hostel has become a facility to freely house persons loyal to the SRC leadership as the cost is passed over to the student to shoulder. WHY SHOULD WE SUFFER IN OUR OWN MOTHERLAND?

Furthermore, whilst for over a decade, Residential Facility User Fees (RFUF) has consistently been reviewed upwards, history indicates situations of water shortage in these halls of residence. What then is the agenda for such heartless increment as over the years no visible attempt is made to avert such situations.

Again, with the consistent upward review of ICT fees, characterized with a pledge of excellent ICT services to students, the famous 'NO BROWSING TODAY, LINK IS DOWN' chalked notice, mostly displayed by the ICT center's management has never eluded users (students) of the facility. At worse, although students in the art faculty pay ICT dues just like every other student of KNUST, persons in this faculty officially are never given a pass (email address eg. Kenwood.cass, which is assigned every student during registration) to enable them freely benefit from their commitment, due to their mode of registration. Until such trivial excuses meant to deny students from freely using the ICT center become a thing of the past, just as frantic steps are made towards ensuring value for money, an upward review of any sort with respect to such fee is irrelevant and constitutes an act of extortion.

Mutatis Mutandis, an upward review of fees may be relevant provided that payees (students) get value for money. By this, it behooves the SRC to compel the Institutional authority to hold on to their end of the bargain, after all, if downward review of fees is never an option, satisfaction without qualms to students must be paramount.

In anticipation of hope, it is rumored that even when the institutional authority sees no reason for an upward review in fees, the SRC incorrigibly ruse and rile them against all odds for a pretext to by a 'wee' percentage increase SRC dues.

Realising their errors, the cover up agenda is set in motion as the SRC with the backing of some undercover institutional heads, refuse to make public its budget(s) and audited report(s) to the student populace in violation of the SRC constitution from which they (SRC) source their mandate.

To cow us into submission, arguments are then advanced indicating that students in the Public Universities pay far less compared to those in the Private Universities hence the need to gradually adjust until a balance is reached. Trivial as this argument may be, such analysts overlook the fact that the total population of fee paying students, as well as international students admitted into one Public University out number the total population of about five Private Universities put together. Hence, the pull of funds owned by each public university, at a go could be used to achieve much more in reference to basic economic and marketing principles, i.e. high consumption attracts relatively lower cost.

With the annual upward review of dues and fees by the SRC and Institutional Authority respectively; notwithstanding the absence of visible accomplishment but the fattening of our leaders, the Pandora box opens, giving locus to the Departments, Faculties, Associations and all other de-facto groups to as well without justification skyrocket and stockpile their respective dues in vain. Justice is deformed.

The truth shall be said at all times damn the consequences, we shall overcome. (Money Galore)

Paul Obeng Atiemo
Student, KNUST
([email protected]/ facebook)
