
NDC condemns alleged violent tactics of NPP PC for Nkoranza South

  Fri, 24 May 2024
NDC NDC condemns alleged violent tactics of NPP PC for Nkoranza South

The opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Nkoranza South of the Bono East Region has expressed deep concern over the alleged violent actions of Madam Harriet Oppong Kyeremateng, the Parliamentary Candidate for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the constituency.

The NDC claims that these actions are undermining the peace and unity of the area.

In a press conference held on May 24, 2024, Mr Agyenim Boateng Katasko, the NDC Constituency Communications Officer, highlighted the significant contributions made by the NDC under the leadership of Mr Emmanuel Kwadwo Agyekum, the Member of Parliament for the area.

He noted that approximately 80% of all infrastructural development in Nkoranza South was carried out by the NDC, helping to uplift the image of the Constituency.

"It is unfortunate and regrettable that these gains are being eroded due to the violent nature of Madam Harriet Oppong Kyeremateng," Mr. Katasko stated.

He recounted an incident on March 29, 2024, where Madam Kyeremateng and her alleged thugs, including a known gang leader named Pascal, reportedly threatened workers at a road construction site in Nsunensa with a pump-action gun.

This incident was widely reported by both national and local media, including Accra FM and Power FM.

Mr. Katasko described Madam Kyeremateng as "the most violent political figure ever in the history of Nkoranza South," claiming that her actions have made the NPP highly unattractive to some key members of the party.

He also accused the NPP of importing individuals from the Ashanti Region, Techiman, and the Upper West Region to register to vote in Nkoranza South and intimidate residents, which he believes is a violation of electoral regulations.

"The NPP has been the primary source of chaos and confusion throughout the voter registration exercise," Mr. Katasko asserted.

He criticized their tactics of intimidation and violence, which he said have disrupted the peace of the community.

The NDC also addressed allegations made by the NPP in a recent press release, dismissing them as "uninspiring and entirely fabricated lies." Mr. Katasko emphasized that Mr Emmanuel Kwadwo Agyekum is a man of integrity who is not involved in any violence.

He assured the public that the NDC remains committed to peace and the democratic process.

Highlighting a recent incident, Mr. Katasko reported that the NDC's Regional Communications Officer, Mr Abubakari Sulemana, was arrested in a "Rambo style" manner under the directive of Madam Kyeremateng. "This kind of arrest does not scare us a bit," he stated.

Mr. Katasko concluded by calling on all residents of Nkoranza South to remain calm and vigilant.

"The NDC will continue to uphold peace and ensure that our democratic processes are protected from the disruptive tactics of the NPP," he declared

