
Jean Mensa Must Step Down If She Can’t Manage A Free And Fair Election

Feature Article Jean Mensa Must Step Down If She Cant Manage A Free And Fair Election

I want it made clear to Jean Adukwei Mensa, the head of the Electoral Commission, that resigning will be the best course of action if she is ill-prepared or incapable of overseeing a free and fair election. She must serve Ghanaians with dignity, but if she persists in acting as Akufo Addo's puppet, torturing Ghanaians with physical and psychological abuse, she will never be happy and may not even live longer. This is not a threat, but by analyzing the current chaotic and economic problems, this is what I see.

Ghana is in a perilous situation where severe hunger threats could arise if action is not taken. The reason for this threat is that a group of criminals, who are driven by greed, corruption, and poor management, are looting and selling Ghana’s properties while keeping the populace in poverty. Ghanaians are aware that the last two elections were rigged and that corrupt Supreme Court judges were behind it, but not everyone is aware that an NPP politician would confess to the party’s crimes.

It is now evident that Jean Mensa and the NPP politicians planned certain crimes and electoral frauds to disperse NDC voters so they would be afraid to cast a ballot, and the person who disclosed the information has been taken into custody. Hopeson Adorye shouldn't be detained for disclosing the crimes committed by the government, if Ghanaian law is indeed in effect. Jean Mensa, who headed the electoral commission that oversaw the rigging of the 2016 and 2020 elections, should also be arrested.

While Bawumia and Akufo Addo believe they are above the law and can commit crimes without consequence, I need to make it plain to them, as well as to Jean Mensa and every other NPP politician, that none of them is above the law. They will all be subject to the full weight of the law in the event of a new government. If this is what they are trying to stop, they won't be successful since most Ghanaians are so tired of them that they don't even want to hear the names Jean Mensa, NPP, Akufo Addo, or Bawumia.

The collapse of businesses, investments, and the economy of Ghana are all the result of Jean Mensa's actions. The NPP warned Ghanaians that Charlotte Osei, the former head of the EC, wasn't good for the nation, but is Jean Mensa a better choice? While Charlotte Osei did not commit the crimes that Jean Mensa did, she did disrespect the Constitution and Ghanaians. However, because of Akufo Addo's corruption and selfishness, Ghana is in a very destructive position now.

Since many people don't see what I do, I have been warning that the 2024 presidential contest will be unlike any other. If Akufo Addo is effective in employing Jean Mensa to obliterate Ghanaians' lives by rigging the 2016 and 2020 elections with impunity, that won't happen in 2024. This time, Ghanaians will let the NPP government and Jean Mensa know that election fraud and rigging are unacceptable and that they cannot be intimidated by the use of force from the military or police.

Although Jean Mensa has been protected by police or military that are funded by taxpayers, she doesn't work for the people whose money she takes in. That won't last long because the NPP has to go this year, and if they dare to manipulate the results, it is this year that the government will admit that “we have underestimated Ghanaians to our detriment.” I have repeatedly warned Akufo Addo that if violence breaks out, he will face charges by the International Criminal Court. I mean what I say.

In case Akufo Addo, Bawumia, and Jean Mensa didn't hear me clearly, I must reiterate that "If she is incapable of handling a free and fair election, then she must step down for the greater good. The head of the Electoral Commission is free now, but in a different nation, she would have been shot and killed by people whom she has hurt without regret. My prediction is that she won't live long if the election frauds from 2016 and 2020 are repeated in 2024, even if she manages to survive.

The tyrant Akufo Addo needs to realize that a hungry and enraged mob is stronger than any military force or police unit. Although Jean Mensa has been protected, such security is insufficient to withstand the wrath of an enraged mob; therefore, she needs to exercise extreme caution in all she does. Just as the elderly criminal, Akufo Addo, ruined the lives of Hopeson Adorye, Kennedy Agyapong, and George Dampare, he is doing the same thing to the head of the Electoral Commission, Jean Mensa.

The reason Akufo Addo, Bawumia, and Jean Mensa have failed is that their crimes have overshadowed their morality. It's time to remove them, and we will prevail, because the current damaged state of Ghana is not what they promised the people when they were looking for power. For her safety, I must reiterate to Jean Mensa that she must step down if she is unable to handle a free election.
