
Hopeson Adorye's Revelation Of the NPP's Electoral Frauds Makes Akufo Addo And Jean Mensa The Biggest Threat To Ghana’s Democracy

Feature Article Hopeson Adorye's Revelation Of the NPP's Electoral Frauds Makes Akufo Addo And Jean Mensa The Biggest Threat To Ghanas Democracy

Akufo Addo continues to boast about his accomplishments as president, even though he is the worst leader in Ghanaian politics. In the same spirit, he continues to boast about having defeated Mahama twice in the two previous elections, in 2016 and 2020, until Hopeson Adorye, a former NPP member who has distanced himself from the president, revealed major electoral frauds that were masterminded by both the president and Jean Mensa, the head of the Electoral Commission.

Ghanaians were aware that neither the 2016 nor the 2020 elections were free and fair, particularly after Jean Mensa altered her untallied figures multiple times. However, according to Hopeson Adorye's revelation, Akufo Addo orchestrated the detonation of dynamite to scare away NDC voters in their stronghold in the Volta Region, and he brought in neighbors from other West African countries to vote for the NPP party. There are grave accusations that Jean Mensa should have been jailed.

Since Akufo Addo is corrupt and unwilling to surrender to moral issues, he has appointed a high wall of corrupt judges to the Supreme Court to protect him, believing that no one can climb that incompetent judiciary wall to topple him. The majority of Ghanaians continue to be harmed by the judges' constitutional violations against them and the nation, economy, businesses, and investments; therefore, the people continue to suffer from everything that benefits Akufo Addo or the NPP party.

Even though Akufo Addo was aware of having committed electoral fraud at one point, he invited former president John Mahama to congratulate him on winning the elections twice. There is no way I could describe that as egregious disrespect to Ghanaians and Mahama. Ghanaians need to start examining the types of people holding the presidency. Akufo Addo believes himself to be very intelligent, but in reality, he is dangerous since all of his intelligence is inspired by financial crimes.

After hearing Dr. Nyaho Tamakloe's several cautions against trusting Akufo Addo, I've been wondering what Ghanaians, especially the Ashantis, think of the man. Due to tribalism and a lack of vision, the president, Akufo Addo, and his vice president, Bawumia, were able to gain power through deceit and false allegations after they succeeded in persuading the populace that Mahama was corrupt and incompetent, despite the country having the strongest economy with flourishing businesses.

A real leader is willing to learn from his mistakes and move on to provide the country with better-quality services. However, this kind of leader, called Akufo Addo, hates apology and responsibility. Such people or governments hardly succeed. Akufo Addo failed to be an excellent model leader since he is in favor of illicit mining, widespread corruption, money laundering, and all other immoralities that negatively impact the country.

As I've mentioned before, Ghanaians accuse Akufo Addo, Bawumia, and Ken Ofori-Atta of the collapse of the economy, businesses, and investments; however, many overlook Jean Mensa, the head of the Electoral Commission. Her propensity for corruption, her lack of empathy, honesty, and godly character, as well as her disregard for the Constitution, have all contributed significantly to the nation's descent into extreme poverty. Jean Mensa should have been incarcerated in any respectable judiciary nation.

Akufo Addo has been exposed by Ken Kuranchie and other NPP politicians today, in addition to Hopeson Adorye. More significantly, the majority of Ghanaians oppose the failed vice president from becoming president due to a lack of a compelling platform to win over voters. He has made false claims about jobs that he has created, avoiding discussing the effects of corruption that have wreaked havoc on the nation’s economy, businesses, and investments, and being unable to fulfill more than forty pledges he made.

If Jean Mensa intends to rig the elections a third time, I'd like to know what her goals are. Would she use manipulation to elect the rejected Bawumia president or to stir up political unrest? Considering the psychological effects of her unethical actions on the country and its citizens, this woman may be the luckiest person alive today. I shall seize the chance to thank Chief Imam, Kwesi Pratt Jr. and Archbishop Duncan Williams for publicly urging her to have a free and fair election in 2024.
