Fri, 10 May 2024 Feature Article

Progressive Alliance of Ghana(PAG) Policy Brief on the Structure and Size of Government

Progressive Alliance of Ghana(PAG) Policy Brief on the Structure and Size of Government

Fellow Citizens:
Our beloved country is in crisis. Many of you have felt the brunt of diminishing purchasing power with our currency continuing its inexorable free-fall, even as Government and its appointees live large with bloated allowances, convoys, and travel expenses; a recent example being the lip service of sending 618 delegates to an Environment/Climate Conference in Dubai, while we are busy cutting down trees and poisoning our environment with Galamsey.

In complete contrast, the island of Singapore which achieved independence eight years after Ghana and without any of Ghana’s bountiful Natural Resources, enjoys one of the highest per-capita GDPs in the world (US$91,000 or US$133,000 at PPP — compare the average Ghanaian’s annual income of ~$400) as well as very low tax rates; in fact, earnings below ~$15,000 attract no income tax at all!

Clearly things have gone seriously wrong for Ghana as a country and things must change. Among our difficulties is the unpalatable fact that our government has become a parasite on the good, hardworking people of Ghana, with over 100 ministers in the current administration being paid for very little work done (Singapore has 16 Ministries).

The Progressive Alliance of Ghana is a neo-Nkrumaist party, inspired by the ideas of the Founder of the Nation, and dedicated to implementing his ideas of governance, in the modern day for the benefit of all the citizens of Ghana, and as an example to the continent of Africa.

The party is preparing for its Congress on July 1, 2024, at which time our flag bearer and running mate for the 2024 elections will be chosen by party delegates and announced to the electorate.

In the interest of offering leadership and guidance to the Ghanaian Polity, PAG is invested in sharing policies, which we are dedicated to implementing, for the benefit of the people of Ghana.

This policy brief addresses the size of government with its attendant inefficiencies, waste and unnecessary costs borne by the long-suffering Ghanaian Tax (Direct and Indirect)-Payer.

The party proposes no more than 14 Ministries of Government, which are listed below.

In addition to this affordable administration and the fact that technology will be leveraged to further enhance the efficiency in delivering services, we see no use for regional ministers and their deputies. Many such positions are just ways of rewarding those who helped them come to power and facilitate the looting of state resources for party and personal benefit.

Also, all deputy minister positions will be abolished. The civil service will be re-professionalized and depoliticized. Chief Directors of Ministries will effectively function as Deputy Ministers, which should be their professional role. The Office of the Head of the Civil Service (OHCS) will be better resourced to this end.

Considering this, the new Ministry of Government Services will become more central in supervising the administration of the affairs of the country. We will also endeavour to ensure that all Metropolitan, Municipal and District Authorities (MMDAs) are run by individuals who either have qualifications in public administration or who can be trained, based on their previous equivalent, professional experiences to effectively administer these core and critical units of government.

We plan to relocate as many ministries as possible out of the city of Accra to other parts of the country, which are more relevant to the services that they offer to the public. This will not only help decongest the capital but will also take services closer to the citizens who require them. This action among others, will improve efficiency of service delivery and reduce cost. It will also have the additional benefit of stimulating district economies by increasing the demand for goods and services and thus creating jobs in the regions.

PAG will indeed share other policy briefs on different aspects of government and Ghanaian life, so stay tuned because change from the business-as-usual NPP/NDC kleptocratic duopoly will be done by the end of this year because you, the voter will decide on what is best for the nation.

Key Proposed Sector Ministries, and some Departments and Agencies

  • Security / Services
    1. Intelligence
    2. Defence
    3. Interior (Police)
    4. Borders
    5. Fire
    6. Disaster Management
  • Agric/Food Security
    1. Agronomy
    2. Animal Husbandry
    3. Fisheries
  • Health
    1. Allopathy
    2. Holistic
    3. Pharmacopoeia
    4. Infrastructure
    5. Sanitation
  • Education
    1. Primary
    2. Secondary
    3. Tertiary
    4. Vocational
    5. Recreation, Youth & Sports
  • Energy
    1. Oil and Fuel
    2. PowerGen
    3. Renewables
    4. Distribution
  • Environment
    1. Land Use
    2. Forests
    3. Minerals
    4. Water Bodies
    5. Climate & Weather
  • Enterprise and Technology
    1. State Owned Enterprises
    2. Trade and Industry
    3. Research
    4. Technology
    5. Tourism, Arts & Culture
  • Transport & Communications
    1. Roads and Highways
    2. Railways
    3. Waterways
    4. Air Space
    5. Air Waves
  • Community & Social Welfare
    1. Gender Equality
    2. Child / Family Protection
    3. Disability
    4. Social Transfers
    5. Works and Housing
    6. Faith-Based Sector
    7. Statistical Service
  • Justice
    1. Judiciary
    2. Prison Service
    3. Attorney-General’s Department
  • Finance
    1. Ghana Revenue Authority & others
  • Government Services
    1. Information Services
    2. Parliamentary Affairs
    3. Local Government
    4. Traditional Authorities
  • Foreign Service
    1. Diplomatic Missions
    2. African & Regional Integration
  • Cooperatives, Labour & Employment

For further information, kindly contact Progressive Alliance of Ghana - or email: [email protected] .

Prof. (Med) Thaddeus P. Ulzen
Dr. Kofi Roberts
General Secretary

Twitter: @cn_northamerica;
[email protected]

phone: 404-259-8095 (USA)
phone +233-20-037-4742(GH)

Thaddeus Ulzen, Dr.
Thaddeus Ulzen, Dr., © 2024

This Author has 77 publications here on modernghana.comColumn: Thaddeus Ulzen, Dr.

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