Dear critical-reader, what is the portrait that can be painted of Ghana's beautiful and bountiful Central Region's once bustling Gomoa Buduburam's Camp Liberia: a refugee majority melting-pot community with amazing energy that sadly, is now no more?
For those who despised it, Gomoa Budumburam's Camp Liberia refugee settlement area, had no redeeming features. To such critics, it was a community built on a foundation of brown envelope mendacity - with four blackened cornerstones of leadership obfuscation, opaqueness, duplicity and hypocrisy.
As far as those critics were concerned, Camp Liberia's societal superstructure was held together, by ironclad selfishness, falsehood and endless ingratitude - with ruthless criminal syndicates dominated by Nigerian mafiosi-types at its apex, lol.
It was thus little wonder to those selfsame critics, that by the time the demolition of the tiny houses, which the community's members built for themselves, began, although poverty was widespread, it had became a community that had many charitable bodies established in it, by the sly-impecunious, to exploit the community's most hapless-vulnerable-demographics, in their view.
The only redeeming features of Camp Liberia, as far its critics were concerned, was the hardworking nature of most of the community's womenfolk - who held families together and metaphorically carried the community on their backs.
That - and their genuine love for children, and their love of dressing up to party, and attend prayer services in their many Churches and Mosques.
Yet still, as far as those of us who had come to love the community, are concerned, we wish all our Liberian friends well, going forward into the future. Despite its many negatives, everything about Camp Liberia, combined to produce the amazing energy of a truly unique melting-pot community, which sadly is now no more - and which will be pretty hard to replicate, elsewhere, anywhere along the entire coastline of West Africa.