
Limited Registration: Let’s reignite the spirit of volunteerism among our youth: Mawutor Agbavitor.

Feature Article Limited Registration: Lets reignite the spirit of volunteerism among our youth: Mawutor Agbavitor.
SEP 11, 2023 LISTEN

Limited voter registration exercise: An open letter to the NDC Youth – let’s reignite the spirit of volunteerism for victory 2024 and Beyond

The National Democratic Congress is at a critical cross-road headed into 2024 general elections. And one of the key survival antics that the party can adopt to win power, is in the spirit of volunteerism among the teeming youth of the party.

The spirit of volunteerism has for sometime now, been gradually diminishing in the party. There’s a saying that that, “Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart”. To it, for an organization to grow and survive throughout all these period, it required the spirit of free will to work and commit to the ideal of the National Democratic Congress without necessarily expecting an immediate reward for it.

When Flight Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings conceived the idea of the formation of this party, he did so on the back of the ideals of volunteerism, where the energies of young people across the country was mobilized into a movement; that 30 years on, we have a political party that we’re all proud of. This sense of volunteerism, is the creed on which the firestorm of the NDC was stocked. It was this sense of sacrifice, to give all in service to the party and the country that made it possible for the cadres to match on untiringly in service to their party.

When this party was founded in the 90’s, it was ignited on the blood and soul of men and women who thought of life as a sacrifice backed by the can-do spirit and of volunteerism. That’s what accounted for the formation of like groups such as the 31st December women movement, an organization that had over 1 million members across the country and was a lead voice for progress and change.

After over 30 odd years of the party’s survival and transformation, these foundations, on which the NDC was established, is gradually losing its hold on the members of the party, particularly the youthful population of the NDC. And it’s time we re-engineer the spirit among our young people.

I don’t not believe that, we can continue to grow and sustain the future of the party if our youth do not see the party as their own and work to dedicate their unbroken resolution towards her, working freely to regain the glory and the prosperity we envisage for the great NDC.

As we charge up into the new voter registration exercise, it has become even more important that our young people in the NDC must volunteer to work and drive out the needed energy to put the party interest paramount in all things. We can’t win this war, if we do not show fidelity to the NDC, first by recognizing that dedication comes before reward.

I urge our youth, to see this current registration exercise and the deliberate impediment been engineered by the electoral commission, as a test to their resolve to defend the will of the Ghanaian people and exercise commitment to our great party, the NDC, by staying course and delivering on the mandate to get their compatriots unto the registration.

I charge you, our young people, to volunteer, to work with the party and to give it your all, for the reward is in the journey.

By: Mawutor Agbavitor ( NDC Volta Regional Chairman)
