
The Next President After Akufo Addo, Should Be Aware That I Will Not Spare The Rod And Support Corruption

Feature Article The Next President After Akufo Addo, Should Be Aware That I Will Not Spare The Rod And Support Corruption

I am not anti-NPP or NDC; rather, I am just an ordinary individual who values Ghana and will speak out against anything that is harming it. Living in Ghana has been nerve-wracking due to the abominable nature of the truth and the backing of crimes by certain tribes. Unfortunately, because any critique is seen as political, it has been difficult to combat immoral behavior, including corruption. Mahama or whoever succeeds Akufo Addo as president will experience the same fire from me.

I gained the insight to be who I am today, by entering the unknown world at a young age after my father's unexpected death. When I was still a secondary school student at Accra High School, I did operate a cab, and living in Nigeria, Gambia, Ivory Coast, Guinea, and Sierra Leone, gave me the wisdom I required to make me what I am today. Anyone who has lived in any of these nations can attest to how difficult it is to be a foreigner there, both your physical and mental fortitude are required.


The proverb "All the flowers of all tomorrows are in the seeds of today" is accurate because whatever you plant today, the same you shall reap tomorrow.

While living in Cape Coast, I continued to run my own cab and tro-tro business and attended a journalism course on writing skills, taught by Mr. David Newton, a former director of the Ghana Institute of Journalism. Everything that occurs to me is for my benefit, and I never look back on my life with regret since I have the most devoted wife, family, and kids who are irreplaceable no matter how much money I make. I am a man of principles; if you respect me, I will respect you in return.

It pains me so much that the circumstances that caused me to leave Ghana 35 years ago for Europe remain now. Anyone who has traveled extensively knows what suffering is like. I consider myself extremely fortunate that traveling to Europe was simple at the time, but today's youth are not as fortunate and many are drowning in the ocean. As a result, I want to stop or lessen this issue by addressing the corruption issues that are sending so many young people to their unprepared graves.

When I visited Ghana around five years ago, I became aware of the true extent of human suffering, and I immediately gave out all of my money to those in need and eventually, I run short of money. After paying $100 to change my trip, I left the nation after just two weeks rather than remaining for the scheduled three weeks. The day I went to rebook my ticket, I was wearing an MTN T-shirt because I have also given out my clothes. A friend I had never expected to meet saw me and he looked me from head to toe, I knew what was on his mind: deportation.

The harvest is plenty, but the laborers are few. It takes bravery to speak the truth since you'll end up losing all your friends and making people hate you. This is one of the reasons Ghana is not progressing as a nation. The few individuals, who have defended the truth, are often terrorized or threatened with death. Corruption is everywhere but no one cares. The E-Levy is a revenue-generating tax, so it was easily approved by parliament but it doesn’t matter to them of putting corrupt politicians in prison.

In a recent article, which was published on December 31, 2022, I pleaded with my adoring readers to "Find Out Why I Don't Write About John Mahama And Judge Me If I'm Wrong." I said that since the deceitful NPP government had already declared the former president of Ghana, John Mahama, to be corrupt and incompetent, I wouldn't waste time writing about him and would instead focus on the most corrupt present administration.

No one should assume that I despise the NPP or NDC since we are all accountable for Ghana's progress as a country. If the next administration following Akufo Addo similarly slides into the anarchy of corruption, I will continue to criticize it because I have a responsibility to help Ghana become a better nation.
