
Prof. Kwasi Opoku Amankwa, The Former Director-General Of The GES, Has Become A Victim Of Akufo Addo's Incompetence

Feature Article Prof. Kwasi Opoku Amankwa, The Former Director-General Of The GES, Has Become A Victim Of Akufo Addo's Incompetence

Akufo Addo shouldn't be attempting to persuade Ghanaians that he is doing a good job by firing Professor Kwasi Opoku Amankwa, the former director-general of the Ghana Education Service because inability and corruptible disposition have no place in the thoughts of educated Ghanaians who esteem a successful leader. If anyone in his administration is to be fired for wrecking Ghana's economy and inflicting undue suffering on Ghanaians, Ken Ofori-Atta should be ousted from office.

Many Ghanaians are either uninterested in the political crisis that the NPP government has caused or are ignorant of the political situation in their own nation. Ghanaians may have the impression that Professor Kwasi Opoku Amankwa, the former Director-General of the Ghana Education Service, was fired because he might have made a mistake or wasn't qualified to do his job, but this is untrue. This article will make it clear.

Ghanaians have a right to know what a person did to justify his request to resign or when their services are no longer needed and the government decides to remove them from their position. Has he engaged in corruption? Did he misappropriate government property, or was he involved in something inappropriately? The former Director-General of Education was not accused of any of these offenses.


Since the Ghana Education Service is currently in crisis, facing many difficulties and criticisms from the general public, Akufo Addo expected the former Director-General of the Ghana Education Service to defend him as many politicians, such as Kojo Oppong Nkrumah have done, but since Kwasi Opoku Amankwa didn't do that, enraged Akufo Addo got him fired.

The president's secretary, Nana Bediatuo Asante, only made the sacking of Kwasi Opoku Amankwa into headline news when he announced that "The skills of Prof. Kwasi Opoku Amankwa are no longer required at the Ghana Education Service" and that Nana Akufo Addo had appointed a new General-Director of the Ghana Education Service.

There is no exaggeration when it is said that the NPP government is comprised of incompetent ministers, including the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, the Vice-President, Mahammudu Bawumia, the Ministers of Education, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, Agriculture, Owusu Afriyie Akoto, the Minister for Roads and Highways, Kwasi Amoako-Attah. However, Ghanaians are not required to hold all ministers accountable for the failure of the administration.

I commend President Akufo Addo for giving Ghanaians a taste of free education, but I must categorically state that the free education system has been a total failure because a large portion of the funding required to operate it has already been embezzled by the NPP government, leaving the Ghana Education Service in a dire financial situation.

The severe problem that faces the Ghana Education Service has been developing since last year. According to one of the publications, the government owed food supplies to the tune of over GHC 800 million, and food shortages in senior high schools have become pervasive with some potentially dangerous repercussions. The idea of food scarcity was dismissed as propaganda because the current leadership never takes responsibility and always gets tribal bigots and anti-NDC people to support them.

Since Akufo Addo was elected president, tribal bigots, including NPP leaders and fans, have taken to social media to assert that "there is nothing occurring in secondary schools, it is NDC propaganda, and the government is trying its best to cater to all schools." Akufo Addo's government is supported by Ghanaians, making efforts to combat corruption and other wrongdoing ineffective.

Since the NPP government is aware that both the party and the country's leader, Nana Akufo Addo, have lost the respect and confidence of the populace, they are so afraid of losing power that everything true is attacked as propaganda. If they are out of power, their daily bread and access to Ghana's coffers will be denied. Let's now discuss the incident that led to Professor Kwasi Opoku Amakwa's termination as the previous Director-General of the Ghana Education Service.

The astute Ghanaians would notice that many NPP politicians frequently show up to support Akufo Addo's lies because they want the president to like them. Kennedy Agyapong has acted in a detrimental manner in the past, but he has learned from his mistakes and is now a wiser man for it. Kojo Oppong Nkrumah still stands by Akufo Addo's fabrications, despite the fact that many NPP politicians never expected to defend their inept leader.

Prof. Kwasi Opoku Amankwa, the former Director-General of the Ghana Education Service, is one of the members of the NPP who doesn't come out often to Akufo Addo's defense, to pretend that things are going well in the country's free education system. The only time he defended the administration was when he refuted an article about GES has mandated that all teachers in the nation wear school uniforms.

Akufo Addo has been prompted by this to fire him because he believes the former director is not doing enough to support him. Since the president enjoys dining with dishonest and corrupt individuals, he will fire you if you don't fit into that group.

I want to be clear with Ghanaians that Prof. Kwasi Opoku Amankwa's dismissal as Director-General of the Ghana Education Service does not indicate that he has committed any crimes; rather, Nana Akufo Addo expected him to appear in public to defend himself, which he did not, and for that reason, he was fired.


Anthony B being interviewed by Joel Savage

Akufo Addo is the kind of president, I know too much. If you go back and read what I have said about this man dating back more than two years ago, everything is true, and believe me, he knows. I know too much to make it seem like I live with him in the same place. He's probably wondering how this writer manages to produce truthful articles about me.

Although I am neither a clairvoyant nor a soothsayer, it is pretty simple to figure out who Akufo Addo is. He is dishonest, heartless, a liar, and willing to kill innocent people to obtain what he wants. I have requested a song for Akufo Addo, called "Mr. Heartless," by my friend, Anthony B, a Jamaican reggae star. He should listen to it.
