18.08.2022 Religion

It is time to rise up from the pains of death

It is time to rise up from the pains of death
18.08.2022 LISTEN

I. BELOVED COURAGE BROTHER AND SISTER, get out of that grave and the agony of pain. You cannot remain captive of death through the painful departure of your loved one. Yes! God alone knows why things should happen that way. God alone knows the full story why your husband, wife, or child left you unceremoniously. IT IS TIME TO RISE UP FROM THE PAINS OF DEATH. DEATH SHOULD NOT HOLD YOU CAPTIVE.

II. DAUGHTER OF ZION, the agony of job loss should not hold you captive. The pains of disappointment should not hold you captive. The agony of failures should not hold you under bondage. The pains of delayed childbirth years after marriage should not hold you in the graveyard. The agony of divorce should not hold you hostage. Sister death could not hold our Lord Jesus Christ captive beyond three days. God raised Jesus up so that we should have a life again. RISE! TAKE UP THY BED, YOU CAN NOT BE PINNED DOWN PERPETUALLY. IT IS TIME TO LET GO.

III. SON OF MAN, as it was impossible for death to keep its hold on Our Lord Jesus Christ so it cannot hold you too. For in Christ Jesus we live, and move, and have our being. King David said this about our Lord Jesus Christ: ‘I see that the LORD is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. Who do you also see beside you? HE IS NOT LORD OF THE DEAD, BUT OF THE LIVING, ALLOW GOD TO TAKE AWAY THE AGONY OF DEATH, RISE UP WITH CHRIST JESUS THE RESURRECTED LORD AND SAVIOUR.

IV. BELOVED IN THE LORD, as a servant of the Most High God, I stand on the WORD of God to assure you that the OMNISCIENT, OMNIPOTENT God has wiped away every tear from your eyes. Reject the agony of death, put away the remembrance of death, Rise Up for indeed death cannot hold you captive. This is DIVINE WORD to set you free from the agony of death released through the Authority of Christ Jesus and serve to the brethren through God's Vessel Francis Ameyibor, Yes! Christ Jesus is not in the grave.

V. 2022 MY EMPOWERED SEASON TO DETHRONE AND ENTHRONED - the agony of death has been dethroned and destroyed through the power of Christ Jesus which works in us.

PRAYER: LORD I give it all unto you, forgive me for my disbelief and holding on to the agony of death. LORD indeed you are my comforter in whom I shall continue to trust, you are truthfully closer than any friend, thank you for your comforting words through Christ Jesus name I pray AMEN.

REF: Acts 2:24&25

Acts 17:28

Revelation 21:4

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