
Fomena NPP: Office repainted as John Boadu vows to deal with hooligans

By Daniel Adomako || Contributor
NPP Fomena NPP: Office repainted as John Boadu vows to deal with hooligans

The General Secretary of the NPP, John Boadu, has said the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has taken a firm stance to crack the whip on party members who violated the processes during the just ended Polling Station elections.

Speaking at a presser in Accra on Thursday, March 10, 2022, John Boadu bemoaned pockets of disturbances, including verbal attacks and physical confrontations in some constituencies which marred the beauty of the otherwise peacefully organised internal elections.

"The party, once again, condemns all such unfortunate acts and misconducts which have sought to bring the name of the Party into disrepute", Boadu stated.

The General Secretary also indicated that the Party has commissioned internal investigative processes in respect of all disturbances, and persons found culpable shall be disciplined in accordance with the Party’s regulations.

He further averred that the Party was yet to decide on the modalities for holding polling station primaries in Fomena and some other nine (9) constituencies where polling station primaries.

The NPP scribe urged aggrieved party members in the affected areas to use laid down procedures to get their concerns resolved.

"In Fomena, for instance, the Party is yet to take a decision on the date of opening nomination, date of vetting, date of publication of vetting results, and date of holding the polling station elections in that constituency. This would be done and communicated in due course.
"That being the case, the Party certainly did not and could not have sent Nomination Forms to Fomena for the conduct of the elections, let alone, to have handed over all such Forms to the Independent Member of Parliament, as alleged, which then erroneously formed the basis for the disturbances witnessed at the Constituency including the painting of the Party office with NDC colours. Like I intimated, all those behind this untoward act, will be dealt with severely.
"It is also worth making the point that, the National executives have also been holding meetings with the members of the polling station elections committee and MPs in constituencies where there are issues which have been brought to our attention, with the view to resolving same. Where it was established that members of the elections committee had not acquitted themselves as required by the rules and regulations, the Party is holding them accountable, and in some cases, we have directed a complete overhaul of the committee ahead of the Electoral Area Coordinators Elections," he stated.

Meanwhile, calm has returned to Fomena and the defaced constituency party office has since been repainted with the traditional colours of the NPP.
