
8th Parliament will boost accountable governance – Franklin Cudjoe

  Mon, 14 Dec 2020
Politics 8th Parliament will boost accountable governance   Franklin Cudjoe

The President of IMANI Africa, Franklin Cudjoe, says the sort of accountable government that Ghana requires can be seen in the next Parliament given its structure.

Results released by the Electoral Commission show that the New Patriotic Party has won 137 parliamentary seats putting it ahead of the opposition National Democratic Congress which has won 136 seats.

There is an independent candidate who won a parliamentary seat in the Fomena constituency of the Ashanti Region and an outstanding result from the Sene West constituency.

Speaking on The Big Issue, Mr. Cudjoe said he was happy with the current structure of the eighth Parliament as it will help with accountability.

“One of the biggest reliefs that I was hoping for is exactly what has happened in Parliament. Whether there is a slim majority or not, it doesn’t give anybody exclusivity when it comes to some very difficult decisions that have to be made concerning physical decisions.”

“Politically, this Parliament is the best coup d’etat that the Ghanaian has committed to and in some regard, the President has realised this because he stated in his victory speech that this election is a chance for the NPP and the NDC to work together.”

He added that the idea that a political party winning the presidential elections and the majority in Parliament was not the best but the current Legislature structure might help with that.

“This is the situation we are at right now where the constitution which is supposed to have helped us deal with the winner takes all mentality actually doesn’t, it makes the president a superman, appointing almost 6,000 persons he barely knows, and he has to work within a parliamentary system that is so thinly divided and I think it is very good for us. I think that the sort of accountable government that we require can now be exercised through the mandate of parliament,” he noted.

