Fri, 15 May 2020 NPP

I’ll Secure 65% Of Votes In Berekum East NPP Primaries – 35-Year-Old Aspirant

Ill Secure 65% Of Votes In Berekum East NPP Primaries  35-Year-Old Aspirant

Nelson Kyeremeh, 35-year-old NPP Parliamentary Aspirant for Berekum East constituency in the Bono Region, says he is confident of securing 65% of votes in the up-coming NPP parliamentary primaries in areas where the party has sitting MPs.

He said considering the fact that his campaign messages have resonated very well with the delegates, all indications point to a resounding victory for him and the party.

He told our correspondent in an interview that when voted as the NPP Parliamentary Candidate and subsequently as the MP for Berekum East, he would work hard “to bring back the loss "golden city" image of the Municipality which would be manifested in the accelerated development and exposure my leadership will ensure.”

Mr. Kyeremeh further pledged to facilitate the creation of jobs for his constituents “through my work-and-pay policy, support for vocational and technical skill training, and lobbying public jobs for the people.”

Another area of concern to him is sanitation. To this end, he hopes to improve the sanitation situation in the area and wellbeing of the people through frequent organization of medical screening and the massive provision of sanitation related kits and equipment for the municipality.

He says, he will also strengthen unity within the party, and between the party and Nananom and other stakeholders in the municipality to bring accelerated development to the people.

A native of Biadan near Berekum, Mr. Nelson Kyeremeh had his basic education at the Berekum Methodist School and continued at the Berekum Senior High School where he had his Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSSCE).

He holds an Advanced Diploma in Business Studies from the Institute of Commercial Management, U.K and a Graduate Diploma in Management Studies from the same institution, and currently pursuing an MBA in Leadership and Sustainability at the University of Cumbria, Ambleside, U.K.

Mr. Kyeremeh has ten years’ experience as a teacher and also served as the Business Development Manager for Wegdam Food Link BV, Netherlands and currently works as the Administrator at AGYENGOPLUS Transport & Logistical Services, Tema.

Besides, he also works as the Logistics Officer of LA Bianca Company Limited.

For the past five years, Mr. Kyeremeh has been distributing mathematical sets and pens to all Basic Education Certificate Examination candidates in public schools in Berekum municipality.

In 2018, he donated three brand new laptop computers to support the municipal quiz competition organized by the Municipal Directorate of the Ghana Education Service and also organized a week’s trip to Tema and Accra for the winners of the 2018 Municipal Quiz organized by GES for Basic Schools.

Besides, Mr. Kyeremeh has constructed a 24-seater ultra-modern toilet facility for Ahenbronso and also donated 200 pieces of LED street-light bulbs to Berekum Municipal and its environs.

He has also made several contributions towards the growth and development of the New Patriotic Party in the Berekum East constituency.

During the 2016 electioneering, he donated an amount of Gh.c 10,000 to support the party’s campaign, acquired three brand new motor-bikes and 2,000 pieces of T-shirts as part of his numerous contributions towards the campaign.

Richard Kofi Boahen
Richard Kofi Boahen

Bono, Bono East and Ahafo CorrespondentPage: RichardBoahen
