
October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Facts And Myths About Breast Cancer

By  Dr. Barbara Entsuah.  MD MHSc 
Health & Fitness October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Facts And Myths About Breast Cancer

October is designated as Breast Cancer Awareness month by countries all over the world. In Ghana about one third of all cancers diagnosed in 2020 was Breast Cancer with approximately over 4000 cases diagnosed every year. Most Breast cancer at the time of diagnosis in Ghana (70%) are advanced and that decreases chances of cure and survival. Breast Cancer Studies about Ghana, show that about 30% of these cancer cases were in women below 40 years, (compared to 9% in the USA), and due to this, there has been calls for screening to start in the 20s by Clinical Breast Exam. This is a Breast exam by a trained health professional, e.g., doctor, nurse etc. The younger the age at diagnosis the more aggressive the cancer seems to be.


There are many myths about Breast Cancer and we would look at some of the Facts and Myths.

First the Facts:

  1. Most Breast cancer occurs in FEMALES and OLDER women. But in Ghana about 30% are in women younger than 40 years.
  2. The Best screening method is Screening Mammogram which is a special type of Xray used
  3. Clinical Breast exam by a trained Health Professional is another method used. Although not officially approved for Breast Cancer screening, some low resource countries use Breast Ultrasound as a screening method. If a lump is discovered, then the woman goes for a mammogram.
  4. Breastfeeding is protective against Breast Cancer- Due to no menses, female hormone levels- estrogens and progesterone are down, and these are risk factors for BC
  5. Regular physical exercise and weight loss/maintaining healthy weight protect against BC
  6. Obesity especially after menopause increases risk of Breast Cancer because fat tissue produces estrogen and increases amount of this hormone the breasts are exposed to.
  7. Most masses/lumps discovered in the Breast are not cancerous.
  8. Excess alcohol use and smoking are risk factors for Breast cancer. Limit use of alcohol and quit Smoking if you do.
  9. Eating healthy- especially fruits and vegetables have protective effects due to high levels of antioxidants and shoring up the immune system.
  10. Family and hereditary history of Breast Cancer can increase risk of Breast Cancer. However, only 5-10% are caused by inherited faulty genes.
  11. Screening Mammogram miss about 20% of Breast Cancers, it does not detect all cancers.
  12. Breast cancer can occur in both breasts at the same time or later, especially when a faulty gene is inherited or if it’s of a particular type known as lobular (milk glands) cancer. Most are thought to be new occurring tumours in the second Breast.
  13. Breast cancer can spread (metastasis) especially to Brain, Bones and Lungs. Rarely it can spread to the other Breast.


  1. All masses or lumps found in the breast are cancerous. Most are benign (non-cancerous).
  2. Bumping, bruising, pinching, or touching the breast does not cause breast cancer.
  3. Men sucking female breasts can prevent breast cancer. Men foundling women’s breasts may discover a lump or mass, just as self-breast exam may lead to finding a lump or mass.
  4. Sex protects against Breast Cancer. One study claimed this but it has not been reproducible.
  5. Wire Bras, deodorants, anti-perspirants can cause breast cancer. This is not true.
  6. Breast cancer is increased in large breasts. Women with small Breasts have been found with
  7. Only women develop Breast Cancer. This is false because men develop BC but it’s rare
  8. Breast Cancer can be Contagious. Not so. It is not an infection and so cannot spread to others.


There are ways to decrease one’s risk of Breast Cancer. These include

  • Regular Physical Activity, e.g., walking, jogging, going to the gym etc.
  • Lose weight loss and try maintaining a healthy weight
  • Healthy Diet – low in fat, increased vegetables/fruits- Berries, citrus, Dark leafy Veg. fermented. Food like yogurt, Probiotics(boost your immune), fatty fish,- herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines, tuna., garlic, onions, beans have antioxidants. Use Spices like turmeric, oregano, black & cayenne pepper, ginger, cabbage, cauliflower, green tea, and pomegranate
  • Breast feeding your baby is protective against Breast Cancer
  • Minimizing Alcohol intake to not more than one serving a day. Quit Smoking if you do.
  • Aspirin and Anti-Inflammatory drugs e.g., ibuprofen have been found to be protective. Consult doctor first before starting any medications
  • Treatment for those at high risk for Breast Cancer with medication. This is called Chemoprevention. Medicines are anti estrogen in nature.
  • Ideally getting a Screening Mammogram every one to two years if one can afford it is the Gold Standard for detecting Breast Cancer. Even then, remember Mammograms may miss 5-10% of Breast cancers.
  • Get regular Clinical Breast Exam by a trained health professional about once a year, however if you feel anything unusual in your breasts, quickly go to see a doctor
  • Get to know how your Breasts feel like. This is called “Self-Breast Awareness “. This can be through monthly self-examination. If still menstruating do this about a week after your period; if post-menopausal, just chose a day of the month and do it every month. There are lots of You Tube and other Social media handles where Self Breast Examinations are taught. You could also ask you personal Doctor to teach you how to do it properly. In parts of the Europe Union devices utilizing a Red Light to view the Breast in a dark room in front of a mirror e.g., Luminous Breast Device has been approved to add to self-Breast Awareness. These are not Screening Devices but studies have shown that they are able to detect Breast Masses. Remember most Breast Masses are not Cancerous. You just have to follow up with a doctor if you find one in the Breast.

Please Share this with Friends and Families and Men, with your wives, mother, and sisters. Early Detection Saves Lives. If you find a lump/mass Get it Checked out.

Take Charge of your Breasts Ladies.
@ Dr. Barbara Entsuah (Physician, Author, Speaker, and Women’s Health Advocate)
