In an unconventional celebration, veteran Kumawood actor Oboy Siki, also known as Nana Kofi Agyeman, marked his birthday in a solemn yet remarkable manner, choosing to honour the occasion amidst the tranquillity of a cemetery.
The veteran Kumawood actor, renowned for his controversial persona, deviated from the typical festivities associated with birthdays in the entertainment industry. Instead of hosting a lavish party or making charitable donations, Oboy Siki opted for a distinctive venue– a cemetery.
Videos circulating on social media platforms depicted the actor clad in traditional kente cloth, standing beside a table adorned with a birthday cake and beverages. In one of the videos, he addressed the camera, proclaiming, “This is a special day for me. It’s my birthday, and I’ve decided to celebrate it at a cemetery. We will pour libation to the gods and then cut the cake.”
Another video shared on YouTube captured the poignant moment as Oboy Siki solemnly poured libation, surrounded by a small gathering of friends, before proceeding to cut the birthday cake.
The actor’s choice to commemorate his birthday in such a unique setting has sparked varied reactions among showbiz observers, with some commending his unorthodox approach, while others expressed surprise and intrigue.