21.04.2020 Feature Article

Humanity Must Celebrate COVID-19, The Necessary Evil

Humanity Must Celebrate COVID-19, The Necessary Evil
21.04.2020 LISTEN

The world seems to be heading towards its imminent end. Humans, without pity or compassion for others, have dominated the world and played mischievously with nature. Soon it would press its own reset button where every man would be a mere spectacle of the disastrous consequences. The deserted roads and silent streets are reminding us that we are still fragile creatures. Cities, states, countries are lockdown and inhabitants are caged in their homes. Thousands of dead bodies are piled daily and carried to the outskirts of cities to be disposed. The painful sound of ambulance and warning siren reverberate the cities and awfully trembling the caged residents who are anxiously looking at the heart-rending circumstances that are unfolding before us.


Ultimately YOU and I could benefit from this pandemic.

There has been a lot to learn till now from the Disaster and a lot more we can learn from it if we remain alive after passing the Storm.

Everything around us is so temporal and meaningless. The things our lives revolved around; work, beautiful makeups, dresses, shoes, cars and the rest have all gone for a toss.

At a point in time, you thought you were bigger than the people around you because you put on expensive things.

Can those things give you the comfort you need now?

You flaunted your shape and thought you were the hottest and so many were considered not your class. Without us around you now do you think you have a class?

I have always said that life is a disease and we are cured of this disease only when we put our hands across our chest.

This pandemic could cure you and I of this disease. So don’t walk on people because you think you are rich. Don’t disrespect brothers and sisters and call it self confidence. Be humble, be honest and love truly. After all, even the coronavirus doesn’t respect class.

FREEDOM is one of the most important things of Human Life. Almost half of the world is locked in their homes and most of them are just eagerly waiting to come out of it and fly in the open world. But before this, how many of us appreciated this freedom?

Life is about living to the fullest! You don’t need money or power to live to the fullest, you just need to know what is your purpose and act on it every chance you get to fulfil it. Choose what is the most important in life. Define your worldview and values, and live them truly in every way! Love, serve, give, and expect nothing in return except for the satisfaction of it! Seek the Lord and His kingdom and everything else will be added to you!

We are divided in religion, ethnicity, class, race, area, gender, beliefs, ideology, professions and much more. But the Coronavirus proved, we all are same. It doesn't differentiate anyone before entering his/her body and affects them with the same intensity. This time we may learn to respect the differences and embrace it like never before.

Political Ideologies are all rubbish, the only aim of any government is the welfare of people and the society and now almost all the Governments are showing this in this tough time and I hope this continuous forever.

In the END,

just Love and Kindness matter and nothing else. No one knows what the future holds, How much DARKNESS or BRIGHTNESS is before us. So we should/need to always help those who are in need. We all have limited time on earth, spend it in a better way.
