Sat, 15 Feb 2020 Editorial

Climate Change War A Necessity

By Daily Guide
Climate Change War A Necessity
15 FEB 2020 LISTEN

It is heartwarming to learn that the Government of Ghana has joined the climate change war now being waged by the developed world.

Although the developed world accounts for the factors responsible for the warming of the world and should therefore do more to reverse the situation, we cannot be left out of what should be an international response to the looming Armageddon.

Government's planned $6.3 billion response to climate change whose fallout is a worldwide phenomenon is promising.

Carbon emission is a global phenomenon whose management requires the joint effort of every country. Unfortunately, in our part of the world, the subject remains a part of academic discourse. The ordinary man in the street or somewhere in the forest is yet to be brought on board the raging international discourse.

Until such feat is achieved such persons would continue to set the bush on fire because of a few hares or even rats.

A few years ago, the LPG project was introduced to arrest the deforestation which has gripped the country. Deforestation would not only check the approaching deserts, it is also an important bulwark against the raging climate change.

While we await the support of our development partners to support us as we join the climate change war, there is the need to mount an awareness creation programme firstly in schools.

When the kids in their formative years appreciate the importance of the subject, it would go a long way in assisting us to achieve the objective.

It took the 'how dare you' voice of a Swedish school girl to shake politicians who were slumbering on the subject. Today, climate change icon Greta Thunberg, just 16, has done with her voice what politicians in the developed world have been unable to do.

Perhaps when we take the message to our schoolchildren some of them would be able to talk to their parents about the importance of reducing carbon emission.

The master creator God created the planets and subjected them to laws of nature. Unfortunately, we have perfected the art of emitting so much carbon that this is threatening our very existence.

In May, the rainy season would arrive. We do not know how it would be considering the many climate change features which continue to baffle us around the globe.

In the past few days, Ghana, like other West African countries, has been enveloped in a fog the like of which many cannot recall. Visibility has been reduced tremendously and some domestic flights either rescheduled or cancelled.

Farmers have their own stories about unusual occurrences they are noticing on their farms. The reality of climate change is dawning on mankind as never before.

Sufficient signs abound about the reality of climatic change that not doing anything about it by way of carbon emission reduction cannot be a sensible and responsible option.
